aortic stenosis
what is aortic stenosis? 

progressive valve calcification in the elderly which diminishes blood flow to the LV to aorta


what is infective endocarditis? 

infective endocarditis is a bacterial infection (step or staph) of the endocardium as a results of growths on damaged valves (rheumatic) 

- its a heart infection of the inner lining of the lungs 


what relieves pericarditis? 

sitting upright or forward


what is an anuerysm ?

where is the most common anuersym? 

abnormal stretching or dilation in the wall of an artery , a vein or the heart 



what is compliance? 

the ability ( or ease) of the lungs to expand/stretch


T/F: ppl with valve disease cant exercise 

FALSE. ppl with valve disease can exercise but should be stopped with SOB, cough or trachycardia 


who is at high risk for infective endocarditis? 

1. IV drug users

2. immunocompromised

3. prosthetic valves

4. W post abortion or IUD use 

5. post Heart surgery 


what is pericardial effusion 

pericardial effusion is the build up of fluid in pericardial sac 

effusion = filled with fluid 


what is a dissecting aneurysm 

lengthwish splitting of arterial wall creating a false vessel 


what is elasticity? 

the ability for lungs to recoil


what is rhuematic heart disease ? RHD

rhuematic heart disease is the form of endocarditis caused by bacterial infection by strep group A 

this can cause damage to valves or heart muscles


what is cardiac tamponade

increase in Pressure on the heart due to build up of fluid/blood in pericardial sac severe enough to significantly impair pump function 

- if the fluid around the heart increases enough, it can send them into shock and not cause the heart ot beat 


waht is a false anuerysm 

wall of BV ruptures and blood escapes to surroundign tissue and forms clot. 

when it heals, it clots over


what is the difference btwn hypoxemia and hypoxia

hypoxemia- is when there is oxygen deficicent of ARTERIAL blood

hypoxia- is when there is dimished 02 at the tissue levels 


what can rhuematic heart diseaes immitate? /mimic? 

1. fever

2. joint pain

3. sore throat 


what are some s&S of cardiac tamponade

1. anxiety, chest pain/pressure, palpitations/trachycardia, sob, rapid breathing, pale/bluish skin, edema in LE, discomfot relived when leaning forward, dizziness/fainting 

2. drop in BP w. inhalation 


what does thoracis aneurysm  involve? 

1. ascending, transverse and 1st part of descending portion of aorta 


what are some s&s you might see with pulmonary disease? 

1. cough - dry, wet, productive

2. dyspnea - sensation of feeling short of breath

3. hemoptysis (coughing up blood) 

4. chest pain

5. cyanosis ( blueing of figners and lips bc lack of o2) 

6. clubbing

7. altered breathing


what is pericarditis 

inflammtion of pericardium 

1. the heart sits in a sac called pericardium. when it fils with fluid, it will cause inflammation of the cardium and cause pain, substernal pleura chest pain (increased with breathing) 


what is myocarditis 

uncommon inflammatory condition of heart muscle 

- usually caused by bacteria or viral infect


what is the functional unit of the lungs called? 

what does it do

- Respiratroy acinus 

defines all the components involved in gas exchange 

- starts at the 1st order bronchiol and ends at the aveolar sacs


can you explain what happens with finger nail clubbing? 

what causes it?

its when your nail bed gets softened and it occurs with prolonged hypoxemia 

- you lose the 165 deg angle 

- you get shiny skin and nail