S & S of CHF
Interventions, diagnostic testing & Labs
CHF Managment
CHF Diet Modifications

The most common sign you will see in CHF patients...

What is peripheral edema?

The nurse should recommend these lifestyle changes for CHF patients...

What is a Low sodium diet, fluid restriction, smoking cessation, and weight management


This term is used to describe the hearts inability to pump effectively...

What is heart failure?


This class of medications is very common to enhance renal excretion of sodium and water; treats fluid overload...

What are diuretics?


This substance should be kept to a maximum of 2-3 grams per day for a CHF patient...

What is Sodium?

The most common symptom a CHF patient will tell you...

What is dyspnea upon exertion?


This nursing intervention must be performed for all CHF patients...

What is monitor patients weight daily for signs fluid retention?


On physical exam of a patient with left heart failure, you will hear these sounds in the bases of the lungs from excess fluid accumulation...

What are crackles?


At home and in the hospital, this piece of data should be collected every day and monitored closely for increases in CHF patients...

What are daily weight?


Fluid intake for CHF patients should be limited to this amount per day...

What is 2 liters or as directed by healthcare provider?


This sign accompanies the clients peripheral edema and should be monitored daily...

What is weight gain?


This vital sign must be verified before Digoxin (Linoxin) may be administered...

What is apical pulse?

Heart wall thickening, or enlargement of the myocardium, is called this...

What is myocardial hypertrophy?


Diuretics should be taken at this time of the day...

What is in the morning?


CHF are to be advised to avoid these type of foods, as they typically contain high amounts of sodium...

What are canned or frozen prepared foods?


This sign is noticeable when an exacerbated CHF patients lie on bed at 30-45 degrees, with head turned to one side or the other...

What is Jugular vein distention (JVD)?


This non-invasive test is used to evaluate a patient with CHF...

What is an Echocardiogram?

This occurs when a CHF patient wakes up in the middle of the night coughing and short of breath, classically resolving when the patient gets up and goes to the window for air...

What is paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea?


This class of drugs enhance the contractility of the heart for CHF patients...

What are inotropic drugs?


CHF patients that wish to enhance the flavor of their food can try these items...

What is lemon, spices, and herbs?


What lung sound is heard in the base of the lungs during the auscultation of a CHF patient, which is in  fluid overload...

What are crackles?


These lab values must be monitored in a patient with CHF...

What are Electrolytes (sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium), BUN, BNP, LFT, and Arterial blood gas?


This is lab value is increased due to enzymes produced and released by the ventricles when a CHF patient has fluid overload...

What is Beta Natriuretic peptide (BNP)?


When CHF patient has been prescribed Lasix, this laboratory value must be monitored closely...

What is potassium?


CHF patients should avoid milk and milk products because these foods/ beverages are high in this substance...

What is fat?