Spiritual Celebrations and Events
Practice of Yoga
Heartfulness Maxims
Heartfulness Living

Celebrating these occasions in Heartfulness is the heart's expression of its gratitude for the great presence of our Masters in our lives, in our hearts.

What is the birthday Celebrations of our Masters?


This often referred to as the "eight-limbed yoga," is a comprehensive system of yoga outlined in the ancient Indian text, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

What is Ashtanga Yoga?


This maxim suggests waking up early, offering prayer, and meditating with attention to purity of mind.

What is 'Rise before dawn and offer your prayer and meditation Or What is Maxim 1


According to this maxim, all people should be treated as brethren, encouraging humility

What is 'Know all people as your brethren and treat them as such'?" or What is Maxim 6


The Heartfulness Movement enthusiastically participates and spreads the benefits of Yoga in this annual international event in June every year.

What is the International Yoga Day?


This fourth limb of Ashtanga Yoga involves controlling and regulating the breath.

What is Pranayama?


⁠This maxim emphasizes starting your day with a prayer that fills the heart with love

What is 'Begin your meditation with a prayer for spiritual elevation'? or What is Maxim 2


This maxim teaches that if wronged by others, one should avoid revenge and be grateful instead

What is 'If you are wronged by anyone, do not wish for revenge. Instead, think this comes from God, and be grateful'?" or What is Maxim 7


2024 is being celebrated as the 125 birthday anniversary of this special personality and the founder of Shri Ram Chandra Mission

Who is Babuji Maharaj?


This seventh limb of Ashtanga Yoga refers to uninterrupted, focused meditation.

What is Dhyana?


This maxim encourages setting a goal of complete oneness with God, without resting until the goal is achieved.

What is 'Fix your goal, which should be complete oneness with God'? or What is Maxim 3


This maxim emphasizes the importance of constant divine thought and maintaining a poise of calm and contentment.

What is 'Be happy to eat in constant Divine thought, whatever you get, with due regard to honest and pious earnings'?" or What is Maxim 8


This occasion is celebrated in honour of the Adi Guru (First) Lalaji Maharaj’s birthday in early February every year.

What are Basant celebrations?


This sixth limb refers to the ability to concentrate the mind on a single point.

What is Dharana?


This maxim emphasizes living a simple life and being dedicated to nature

What is 'Simplify your life so as to be dedicated with Nature'?" or What is Maxim 4


This maxim advises molding behavior and actions to inspire love and piety in others

What is 'Mould your living in such a manner as to rouse a feeling of love and piety in others'?" or What is Maxim 9


Attending this weekly event wherever we live to meditate as a group greatly benefits our Spiritual practice and growth.

What is Group Meditation or Satsangh?


This limb represents the ultimate state of self-realization and union with the Divine.

 What is Samadhi?


This maxim encourages accepting miseries as coming from God and being thankful for them

What is 'Always be truthful; accept miseries as coming from God for your own good'?" or What is Maxim 5


At bedtime, this maxim suggests repentance for any wrongs committed and asking for forgiveness in a prayerful mood

What is 'At bedtime, feel the presence of God, repent for any wrongs committed, and resolve to allow the correction of the self'?" or What is Maxim 10