Heartfulness Practice
Heartfulness Principles
Heartfulness Literature
Spiritual Anatomy

This is the central practice of Heartfulness, focusing on connecting with the source within.

What is Meditation?


The essence of Heartfulness meditation focuses on this area of the body.

What is the heart?


This book published by our Global Heartfulness Guide, Rev. Daaji recently is ranked as an International Best Seller and is deemed as a must-read for all Spiritual Aspirants. This is a groundbreaking book that offers a roadmap to better living through the integration of our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves

What is The Spiritual Anatomy


This region comprises of the Earth Chakra, The space chakra, Fire Chakra, Water and Air Chakras.

What is the Heart Region?


This technique helps remove mental impressions and cleanse the heart.

What is Cleaning?


This subtle energy is felt by the practitioners during Heartfulness meditation?

What is Pranahuti? What is Transmission?


Revered Babuji’s books Reality at Dawn, Efficacy of Raja Yoga, Commentary on the Ten Maxims of Sahaj Marg , Towards Infinity, Sahaj Marg Philosophy and Voice Real were published together as this compilation.

What is "Complete Works of Ram Chandra - Volume 1"?


This Point signifies the start of the Mind Region.

What is the Ajna Chakra or the 6th Point?


This is what we do before we go to bed to stay connected with the divinity and to be in remembrance.

What is the Bedtime Prayer?


Heartfulness practice helps in removal of these,  which, if not removed block our inner spiritual progress.

What are Samskaras (or impressions)?


This was the book written by Rev Chariji that enlightened us about his relationship with His Master and taught us all about how to develop our relationships with our Spiritual Guide

What is 'My Master'?


To achieve correction in gross tendencies, This point is used for Meditation and this point is used for cleaning. It is highly effective in correcting self-indulging tendencies

What are Points A and B?


Using this technique we devote ten to fifteen minutes every evening praying for the good of all humanity.

What is Universal Prayer?


Rev. Daaji has recommended this “Vowels Based approach towards acquiring and retaining our Spiritual conditions during and after each Meditation session

What is the A E I O U approach


This is the book written by our Adi Guru, Revered Lalaji Maharaj. This book illuminates the science of existence shedding new light on consciousness, the mind, the soul, and on Vedic wisdom and our relationship with the Cosmos.

What is Truth Eternal?


This Chakra signifies the entry into the Central Region.

What is the 13th Point?


The regular Heartfulness practice becomes dynamic and infused with life and a feeling of permanent connection with the divine within through this.

What is Constant remembrance?


This state in Heartfulness Meditation simply means 'that which prevailed before creation came into existence', the absolute balanced state of oneness or nothingness or total emptiness.

What is the State of Samadhi?


These are a collection of thousands of messages transmitted on a subtle level of communication primarily from the spiritual Master Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj (Babuji),

What are the "Whispers from The Brighter World"?


Subtle bodies are many, and the four most important ones are these

What are

Chit or consciousness,
Manas or our contemplative faculty,
Buddhi or intellect, and
Ahankar or ego