Energy and Motion
Temperature and Heat
Heat Flow
Wild Card
The energy stored in an object by changing its location (like moving an object upward against gravity).
What is potential energy?
The molecules in this state of matter have less energy than the molecules in a liquid or gas.
What is a solid?
This happens to a fish if you bring it home from the pet store in a bag and dump it directly into your fish tank at home?
What is IT WILL DIE. Follow up with the $200 question.
This prevents heat from flowing into or out of a material.
What is insulation?
This is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1*C.
What is a calorie?
Molecules in this state of matter move the fastest.
What is a gas?
This is the temperature at which water boils (answer will be accepted in either Fahrenheit or Celsius).
What is 100*C or 212*F?
FOR DOUBLE MONEY (total of $400)-- What should you do with your new fish and WHY? (Explain using academic vocabulary)
You should put the bag with the fish directly into the water of the fish tank and allow the temperature of the water inside the bag to be the same as the temperature of the water of the tank.
This is an object that absorbs heat and distributes it evenly throughout an object.
What is a conductor.
What is something that is an insulator that Mrs. Leichtfuss is always losing?
What is her coffee mug.
The ability to bring about changes or to do work.
What is energy?
When a bowl of cold soup is heated, the thermal energy is increased. Heating the soup causes its molecules to ________. (move faster, move slower)
What is move faster?
You are roasting marshmallows with wire coat hangers and you leave the hanger in the fire for ten minutes. What happens to the end you were holding onto and WHY?
The end heats up because the heat from the fire causes the molecules in the hanger to heat up and vibrate faster. These molecules collide with the ones next to them which in turn begin vibrating faster, all the way up to the end of the wire.
Which is a better insulator, a metal pot or a piece of wood?
What is a piece of wood?
Is it more important to insulate homes in hot climates or in cold climates?
What is a trick question? It is equally important to insulate homes and buildings in both hot and cold climates. Insulation helps keep heat inside buildings in cold temperatures, and helps keep cold air inside buildings in warmer climates.
The energy of a moving object, like a skateboarder going down a hill.
What is kinetic energy?
Energy moving from a cup of hot cocoa to your hand is called what?
What is heat flow?
This instrument is used to measure the temperature of a liquid.
What is a thermometer?
Why are garages usually colder than homes?
Because they don't usually have insulated walls and the garage door itself is not insulated.
In this state of matter molecules only vibrate back and forth.
What is a solid?
This is the AVERAGE kinetic energy the molecules of a substance.
What is the temperature?
Would heat be able to flow between two warm cupcakes from the same batch that are touching on a cooling rack?
What is "LES NO!" They are the same temperature so no heat flow takes place.
The word "insulation" comes from the Latin word "insula," which means what?
What is "island?"
What is Mrs. Leichtfuss's favorite animal?
What is a horse?