Things related to heat safety
Actions to Take
Heat Illnesses

What is something you can wear to protect your eyes from the sun?



True or false:  You should work as fast as possible during excessive heat so you can be outside for less time.  

False.  You should slow down during excessive heat days.  Reduce, eliminate, or reschedule strenous activities until the coolest time of the day.  


This type of weather alert is typically issued two to five days ahead of possible dangerous heat conditions.  Certainty regarding the development and timing of the event is lower than a warning. 

Excessive Heat Watch


Symptoms of this heat-related illness include: fainting or dizziness; excessive sweating; cool, pale, or clammy skin; nausea or vomiting; rapid, weak pulse; muscle cramping.  

Heat exhaustion


Name two viral infections that are commonly contracted from sharing needles.  

Hepatitis C, HIV


What is something you can wear that will shield your head, face and eyes from the sun?



True or false: It is recommended that you wear lightweight, loose-fitting, light-colored cothing that reflects heat when there is a heat advisory.  



This type of weather alert is sometimes preceded by an Excessive Heat Watch and is typically issued within one to three days of the onset of extremely dangerous heat conditions.  

Excessive Heat Warning


This heat-related illness is characterized by: throbbing headache and confusion; no sweating, body temperature above 103 degrees with red, hot, dry skin; nausea or vomiting; rapid, strong pulse; and possible loss of consciousness.  

heat stroke


What is the term for resisting an impulse to take an immediately available reward in the hope of obtaining a more-valued reward in the future. 

Delayed gratification. 


What is something you can use at the beach to create an area of shade to sit under?



True or false:  It is best to drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages when it is unusually hot outside.  

False.  Both alcohol and caffeinated beverages cause an increased loss of fluids.  You should drink water instead, even if you don't feel thirsty. 


Name the deadliest weather threat in the United States.

Excessive Heat


This heat-related illness should be treated by: getting the person to a cooler, air-conditioned place; encouraging water intake (as long as fully conscious); and taking a cool shower or using cold compresses.  

heat exhaustion


Name two signs that someone you see upon entering a room may have overdosed. 

Answers can include: Person is passed out and you cannot wake them up; Breathing is very slow, they are making gurgling sounds, or are not breathing at all; lips are blue or grayish in color, etc. 


What can you use to keep your skin damp when at outdoor activities in the heat?

Mister spray bottle


True or false:  A sunburn reduces your body's ability to dissipate heat.  



True or false:  Excessive heat can be uncomfortable, but it is rarely a significant risk to health. 

False. Excessive heat can cause heat exhaustion and heat stroke and can result in death. 


This heat-related illness should be treated by:  CALLING 911!; moving the person to a cooler place; cooling the person with cool cloths or a bath; and NOT giving anything to drink.

heat stroke


Name two medications commonly prescribed for sleep.

Answers can include: Trazodone, Melatonin, Benadryl (diphenhydramine), hydroxyzine, Remeron (mirtazapine), Seroquel (quetiapine), Restoril (temazepam), etc.  


Name the cream that goes on your skin to protect you from harmful sun rays.  



True or false: It is okay to leave children, disabled adults and pets in a car during a heat advisory if you are only going to be gone for a few minutes.  



This weather term is one way to measure how hot it feels when humidity is considered along with air temperature. 

Heat Index


Name this mild, but uncomfortable heat-related illness that is often characterized by painful spasms in the legs and/or abdomen during or after intense exercise and sweating in hot weather. 

Heat cramps


Name two (additional) things you are grateful for (besides your sobriety!).  

We are grateful for your sobriety! ( Answers will vary.)