What is the definition of a conductor?
Something that conducts (absorbs) heat well
What is the definition of an insulator?
Something that does not conduct (absorb) heat very well
Does heat rise or sink?
Heat rises because it becomes less dense
Does cold air rise or sink?
Cold sinks, because heat rises, and cold moves to replace it.
Give one unit that temperature can be measured in
kelvin, celsius, fahrenheit
Warm clothes prevent you from losing radiant heat. Are they insulators or conductors
Are frying pans good conductors or good insulators?
Frying pans are good conductors
They still move a little.
Is copper a conductor or insulator
Are Styrofoam coffee cups insulators or conductors?
insulators. They don't conduct heat.
Is a log of wood a conductor or an insulator?
It is an insulator.
The circular pattern created by the process of convection is called
convection current
What method of heat transfer is this?
Conduction (energy transfer via contact)
At what temperature does water boil in degrees celsius
Is mercury an insulator or conductor
in the diagram below, what will happen to the pin, which is stuck to the wire with wax?
the metal wire is a conductor, so it will heat up, melting the wax and causing the pin to drop.
What method of energy transfer is this:
Conduction (energy transfer via contact)
Explain why the rug on your floor feels warmer than the tile in the same room. Use the terms insulator and conductor
the rug is an insulator, so does not conduct heat from your feet. The tiles are conductors, and will absorb the heat from your feet, making them feel cold.
Use your knowledge of particle theory and heat transfer to explain which spoon should you use from the diagram below:
the metal spoon with the wooden handle. Metal is a conductor and will heat up as the particles gain heat energy. The wooden handle is an insulator and will not.
What method of heat transfer is shown here:
Convection heating (movement of fluids between regions of different temperature)
define temperature
measure of how hot or cold something is
Imagine you are holding a metal bar in one hand, and a piece of wood in the other. Which one will feel colder, and why?
wood is an insulator, so is not absorbing the heat from your hand. Metal is a conductor, so is absorbing the heat from your hand, making it feel cold.
You have two metal containers, one of which is painted black. They are filled with water and placed near a heater. Which will heat up faster, and why?
The black container will heat up faster, because the shiny can is reflective, and will reflect some heat. So it is less conductive.
What type of heat transfer is used in a microwave
what is the normal body temperature in degrees celsius