Can consent be given then taken away?
Yes. You can give consent then take consent away if you change your mind
Are drugs good for you?
No. They can effect your body forever and make it so you have bad lungs or kill your brain cells forever.
What is the women's reproductive ¨thing¨ that needs a second part to make baby.
An egg.
What is one nutrient you need for your body?
Vitimens and minerals
Is it a healthy relationship they they start to take you away from like your friends and start to limit who you talk to and make it so you spend all your time with them and make it so you are trapped?
What is the deadliest drug
What is the males ¨Thing¨ That is the second part of making a baby.
A Sperm.
What is a rainbow diet?
A rainbow diet is a diet that you eat a rainbow of foods. Like carrots and apples and just not fast food that is processed.
What makes vapes so popular.
What makes vapes so popular is the flavors the vapes have so like if you really enjoy cotton candy you could have your vape cotton candy flavored.
If you want to have a sexual relationship and they do not can you force them into it?
No. If they dont give consent then you can force them into a sexual relationship.
What is THC?
THC is basically marijuana
What is the diffrence between the female and male reporduction systems?
The females are made to carry the baby in the woam. And the males are made to fertilze the female.
If you eat a bunch of fast food will you become OBESSE.
Yes! If you eat fast food a lot more than 2-3 times a week and dont work out 5 times a week then yes you may get obestity.
What is a toxic relationship?
A toxic relationship is a relationship that you dont like and makes you feel uncomfortable and that just takes a toll on your mental health.
If you are in a healthy relationship. And they do something wrong. Could you break up with them?
Yes. You can always say no.
What are some other names for meth?
Pookie, Cookie, Cotton candy.
How many months is a women pregnant for?
9 months is the time span.
What is calcium-rich foods?
Low fat or fat free milk yogurt or cheese are healthier choices.
Do kids who have mental health issues usually get help?
Some do get help but others dont because they dont have the money or they believe its just puberty.
What is the number one problem in relationships?
Poor communication is the number one problem with relationships
What is the least common reason to start using drugs?
The least common reason to start using drugs is to do better in school
Can cancer lower your rate of making it difficult to become pregnant?
Yes it can
what is your daily calory intake based off of
It is determined by weight and height
What is the oldest drug?
The opium poppy is the oldest drug dating back to 3,400 BC