European History
"New World" History
Middle Eastern, Central Asian, and South Asian History
East Asian History
African History/History of Slavery

This leader was a significant figure in Russian history, reigning as the first Tsar of Russia. Despite his early achievements in centralizing power, his reign was marked by periods of extreme violence, cruelty, and instability. 

Ivan IV or Ivan the Terrible


Potosí, a city in present-day Bolivia, became famous during the Spanish colonial period for its massive silver deposits. What precious metal was primarily mined in Potosí, fueling Spain's economy and global trade?



Ghazis were warriors in Islamic history who participated in holy wars or "ghazw" aimed at expanding Islamic territories. Originating from the Arabic word "ghazi," meaning "warrior for the faith," these fighters played a crucial role in the spread of Islam. In which historical empire were ghazis particularly prominent, serving as frontier warriors against Byzantine and later European Christian powers?

The Ottoman Empire


The Manchu People overthrew this Chinese Dynasty to start their own Dynasty in China

The Ming Dynasty


This former slave was able to buy his freedom and became a famous British abolitionist who exposed the horrors of the Middle Passage and Slave trade

Olaudah Equiano


This war was devastating conflict in European history and began in 1618 primarily as a religious conflict between Catholic and Protestant states. It eventually evolved into a broader struggle for political power.

Thirty Years War


These communities of escaped slaves formed independent settlements in remote regions. One such group, led by Cudjoe, became known for their resistance against British forces in Jamaica during the 18th century. What term is commonly used to refer to these independent communities of escaped slaves?



Ismail I, the founder of this empire/dynasty, played a pivotal role in shaping the course of Persian history. Rising to power in the early 16th century, Ismail I established Twelver Shi'ism as the state religion and expanded the empire's borders significantly.  

Safavid Dynasty


This individual was one of the longest-reigning emperors in Chinese history and ruled over the Qing Dynasty during a period of great stability and expansion. His reign saw significant military conquests, cultural flourishing, and administrative reforms. 



This prophet, also known as Donna Beatriz, was a powerful religious leader in the Kongo Kingdom

Kimpa Vita


Versailles, a symbol of royal opulence and power, is one of the most famous palaces in the world. Originally a hunting lodge, it was transformed into a magnificent royal residence by which French monarch, who also famously held court there?

King Louis XIV


Signed in 1494, the Treaty of Tordesillas aimed to resolve territorial disputes between which two European powers, dividing newly discovered lands outside Europe between them along a meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands?

Spain and Portugal 


What empire did the British work to overthrow in their colonization of India

Mughal Empire


This industry was one of the few industries during the Qing Dynasty that was industrialized

Silk/Textile industry


This African city, originally associated with the Dutch, became an important trading hub and stop for traders heading to the Indies.

Cape Town


This individual was a key figure in French history, served as chief minister to King Louis XIII of France. Known for his political acumen and centralizing policies, he played a significant role in shaping France's role in European politics during the 17th century. 

Cardinal Richelieu


This system was a Spanish colonial institution that granted conquerors the right to demand labor and tribute from indigenous peoples in the Americas. What was the primary purpose of the encomienda system?

Encomienda System


 This individual was the Mughal emperor known for his austere lifestyle and strict religious policies and pursued military campaigns to expand and consolidate his empire



 This rebellion was one of the deadliest conflicts in history. It erupted in mid-19th century China and lasted for over a decade. Led by Hong Xiuquan, who proclaimed himself the younger brother of Jesus Christ, the rebellion aimed to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and establish a utopian society based on Christian principles.

The Taiping Rebellion


This region in Western Africa was a major trading hub and also part of the Transatlantic Slave trade.

Gold Coast


The Peace of Westphalia, signed in 1648, marked the end of the Thirty Years' War and is considered a pivotal moment in European history. Besides ending the Thirty Years' War, what other major European conflict did the Peace of Westphalia bring to a close, effectively reshaping the political landscape of Europe?

The Eighty Years War


According to historians, what were the initial three motivations for European colonization of the New World

1. Fantastic Lands

2. Economics

3. Religious Zeal


The Battle of Plassey, fought in 1757, was a pivotal moment in Indian history that paved the way for British dominance on the subcontinent. Which British East India Company employee, often credited with orchestrating the victory, is known for his role in this battle, which effectively marked the beginning of British rule in India?

Robert Clive


The Opium Wars, sparked by disputes over the opium trade and China's attempts to suppress it, resulted in a series of unequal treaties that severely weakened China's sovereignty. The Treaty of Nanjing, signed in 1842 after the First Opium War, is often regarded as one of the most humiliating concessions forced upon China by Western powers. What was one example of why this treaty was so humiliating to the Qing Dynasty

Extraterritoriality of British Citizens


Olaudah Equiano, a prominent figure in the abolitionist movement, authored an influential autobiography detailing his experiences as a slave. What is the title of Equiano's autobiography, which played a significant role in shaping public opinion against the transatlantic slave trade?

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African