What is Megan’s favorite flower?
Who’s birthday is on a holiday?
Megan April fools
What town is adams cabin
Grand Marias
What is Kennas liqour of choice
Tequillla ewwww
what is Megan’s favorite celeb
Matthew mcconaghey
Most popular flower
Whats Carson and Maura’s apt address?
418 w broadway monona wi
What is Maura’s go to
Vodka soda lime
What did Megan get for white elephant
What is the mn state flower
Lady sliiper
When is kennas 1/2 bday
June 24th
What town in NC does Megan fly out of?
Meads main ingredient is
Most common emoji
Most common flower?
When is Megan’s youngest cousins bday
December 8th
What is the name of Megan’s hospital
Most consumed drink
TN football record
national flower of Japan
Cherry blossom
When is micheal Jackson’s bday
What was Kenzies address in Winona
536 w 5th st
When is National wine day
August 4
What author died the same day that jfk was assasinated?
Cs lewis