Helaman 7-8
Helaman 9
Helaman 10
Helaman 12

Who is our prophet today?

President Russell M. Nelson


According to Helaman 7:17–22, what do prophets often do when the people have turned away from God?

call the people to repentance and warn of the consequences of sin.


According to Helaman 9:1–3, what did the five men say would convince them that Nephi was a true prophet?

If they found the chief judge dead, as Nephi had prophesied.


In Helaman 10:7, what power does the Lord give to Nephi?

The power to seal and loose things on earth, which will also be sealed and loosed in heaven. Priesthood.


What does Helaman 12:1–2 teach about people when they are doing well?

It teaches that when people are doing well and have many good things, they often forget about God and become proud. They may not listen to Him and His teachings because they feel comfortable and rich.


What do prophets often receive from God to share with others?

visions or revelations


According to Helaman 7:29, how does Nephi know the truth of the things he testifies of?

Because the Lord God has made them known to him.


In Helaman 9:4–5, how did the five men react when they found the chief judge dead, as Nephi had prophesied?

They were astonished and fell to the earth, realizing Nephi had spoken the truth.


In Helaman 10:1–5, what was Nephi feeling as he pondered the wickedness of the people, and what did the Lord say to him?

Nephi felt sad about the people's sins, and the Lord told him he was blessed for his hard work and would give him great power and blessings.


Why does the Lord sometimes send hard times to His people, according to Helaman 12:3?

The Lord sends hard times, like sickness or trouble, to help people remember Him. When things are tough, people are more likely to turn back to God and ask for His help.


Prophets have the authority to hold and exercise this, which is the power of God on earth.



According to Helaman 8:13–23, what did prophets like Moses, Abraham, and others testify of, even thousands of years before it happened?

The coming of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.


In Helaman 9:8–9, what did the people assume about the five men when they saw them at the judgment seat?

That the five men were the murderers of the chief judge.


In Helaman 10:11–12, what command did the Lord give to Nephi, and what did Nephi do after receiving this message?

The Lord commanded Nephi to tell the people to repent or they would be destroyed, and Nephi then went back to the people to share this message.


How does Helaman 12:7–10 compare people to God?

It says that people are very small and not as important as God. Even the dust obeys God’s commands, showing that God is very powerful and we should listen to Him.


This prophet received revelations that restored the fullness of the gospel, including the Book of Mormon.

Joseph Smith


In Helaman 7:11–22, why does Nephi stand on the tower and cry out to the people?

Because of the wickedness of the people and his sorrow for their iniquities, urging them to repent.


In Helaman 9:16–20, what did the judges accuse Nephi of after the five men were proven innocent?

Working with someone to kill the chief judge so Nephi could prove he was right and become powerful.


In Helaman 10:12–15, what message did Nephi deliver to the people, and how did they respond to his words?

Nephi warned the people that they would be destroyed unless they repented, but they hardened their hearts, ignored him, and sought to imprison him.


What does Helaman 12:22–23 say about repentance?

It teaches that repentance is very important. If we say sorry for our mistakes and listen to God, we will be blessed and saved. But if we choose to do wrong things, we will have to face the consequences.


Ture or False: Prophets today encourage members to develop these habits to strengthen their faith, including scripture study and prayer.



According to Helaman 7:29, how does Nephi know the truth of the warnings and prophecies he gives to the people?

Because the Lord God made these things known to him, not through his own knowledge.


In Helaman 9:39–41, what were some of the different beliefs the people had about Nephi after the events surrounding the chief judge’s murder?

That some believed Nephi was a prophet, while others thought he was a god because he knew their thoughts and revealed the true murderer.


In Helaman 10:2–4, what was Nephi doing as he walked towards his house, and what did the Lord say to him?

Nephi was pondering the wickedness of the people, and the Lord told him he was blessed for faithfully declaring His word and for seeking to follow His commandments instead of fearing the people.


What will happen on the day of judgment according to Helaman 12:25–26?

 It says that on the day of judgment, people who have done good things will receive everlasting life with God. But those who have done bad things will be separated from God forever, so it’s important to make good choices.