Prophets Warnings
Signs and Wonders
Acceptance of the Prophets teachings

This prophet preached from the walls of Zarahemla and warned the Nephites of their destruction.

Who is Samuel the Lamanite?


Samuel told the Nephites to look for this sign in the sky at the time of Christ’s birth.

What is a new star?


The people hardened their hearts and reasoned that the coming of this being was unreasonable, doubting the words of the prophets.

Who is Christ?


Samuel condemned the Nephites for doing this to their prophets, a sign of their hard hearts.

What is stoning and casting them out?


Samuel taught that Christ’s death would bring this about for all mankind.

What is resurrection?


When Samuel prophesied from the city wall, those who believed his words sought out this prophet for baptism.

Who is Nephi?


Samuel taught that this is the only way the Nephites could avoid destruction.

What is repentance?


Samuel prophesied that for three days following Christ’s death, this would happen to the sun, moon, and stars.

What is darkness?


As Samuel stood on the wall, the people tried to attack him with stones and arrows, but they could not hit him because of this divine intervention.

What is the Spirit of the Lord?


According to Samuel, if the Nephites did not repent, they would face famine, pestilence, and this.

What is the sword (of justice)?


Samuel foretold that after Christ’s death, the earth would experience these for many hours.

What are thunderings, lightnings, and earthquakes?


In the 90th year of the reign of the judges, angels appeared to wise men, declaring this message.

What are glad tidings of great joy?


Samuel prophesied that the Nephites’ treasures would become this, making them impossible to retain.

What is slippery?


Samuel prophesied that this would be a sign of Christ’s birth, a night where there would be no darkness.

What is a day, a night, and a day with no darkness?


Despite the signs, wonders, and miracles, Satan stirred up the people by spreading these throughout the land.

What are rumors and contentions?