Helen Keller's first word
What is water?
Helen's sign for Captain/Dad
Circles around her eyes to represent glasses
She found a key and did what
locked her Mom in a closet for 3 hours
Helen's first word without knowing it was a word
I she tugged on your clothing she wanted...
For you to come with her
She got board with scissors and cut...
her servant's daughters hair
Helen Keller became...
A world traveler, author, and a deaf and blind person
If she shoved you away she wanted you to...
She hated her sister so she...
Tipped over her sister crib causing her sister to cry
How many signs did she create
Mom was...
Pulling her hair in to a not on the top of her head to represent a bun
Helen got mad at Annie and...
tried to tip her chair over
Who met 5 year old Helen
Alexander Gram Bell
Bread was...
A slicing and spreading motion
At the breakfast table she...
ate off everyone else's plate