"Story of My Life"
"Helen Keller"
"The Miracle Worker"

How does Helen feel after learning what “water” means?

Helen was joyful because she realized the objects around her had names and meaning.


How many stanzas are in the poem?



22. What does the phrase out of joint most likely mean, according to the following passage?

“KELLER [Not noticing]: Reverend looked in at the office today to complain his hens have stopped laying. Poor fellow, he was out of joint, all he could‒”

A. To be highly upset.
B. To be highly amused.
C. To be tearful.

A. To be highly upset.


Why was Helen happy at the end of the excerpt we read?

The language she was learning helped her make sense of the world.


Which of the following selections best summarizes the subject of the poem?

A. Helen Keller struggled with her physical limitations.
B. Helen Keller was unlike most women of her time.
C. Helen Keller’s inner strength allowed her to achieve great things.

C. Helen Keller’s inner strength allowed her to achieve great things.


Which inference can be best made about Helen Keller?

A. She is amused.
B. She shows defiance.
C. She hates her family.
D. She dislikes her father.

B. She shows defiance.


Which of the following inferences best describes Anne Sullivan?

A. Anne Sullivan was an effective teacher because she was outgoing.
B. Anne Sullivan was dedicated to helping Helen learn language.
C. Anne Sullivan was frustrated when Helen broke the new doll.

B. Anne Sullivan was dedicated to helping Helen learn language.


Lines 1–4 add to the development of the poem mainly by ______.

In the dark,
Found light
Brighter than many ever see.”

A. suggesting Helen Keller developed incredible knowledge and understanding
B. suggesting that most people never see light
C. explaining how Helen Keller regained her eyesight
D. All of the above

A. suggesting Helen Keller developed incredible knowledge and understanding


Which inference can be best made from this text from the play?

JAMES [Lightly]: And Jacob was left alone, and wrestled with an angel until the breaking of the day; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him; and the angel said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And Jacob said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. Amen.

A. James wants to express his love for Annie by telling her the story of Jacob and the angel.
B. James believes the relationship between Annie and Helen is like the struggle between Jacob and the angel.

B. James believes the relationship between Annie and Helen is like the struggle between Jacob and the angel.


Which sentence most strongly expresses Helen’s feelings before she could understand language?

A. “Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle."
B. “As we returned to the house every object which I touched seemed to quiver with life.”
C. “The most important day in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me.”

A. “Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle."


With which statement below would the speaker of the poem most likely agree?

A. Practice makes perfect.
B. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
C. A person’s strength comes from their inner willpower.

C. A person’s strength comes from their inner willpower.


Which line from the play best illustrates Annie’s efforts to teach Helen?

A. “It took us the best part of two weeks and— ”
B. “And everything she’s learned is?”
C. “But what’s the child done?”

A. “It took us the best part of two weeks and— ”


Place these events in the order that they occur in the story.

A) Helen learns the meaning of the word, “water."
B) Helen expects that something unusual is about to happen.
C) Helen meets Miss Sullivan.
D) Helen seizes the doll and throws it to the ground

B) Helen expects that something unusual is about to happen.
C) Helen meets Miss Sullivan.
D) Helen seizes the doll and throws it to the ground
A) Helen learns the meaning of the word, “water."


18. What is most closely the meaning of dower as it is used in the passage below (lines 9–12)?

“And now the world receives / From her dower: / The message of strength / Of inner power.”

A. verb | to give
B. noun | money inherited by a woman upon the death of her husband
C. noun | a gift
D. All of the above

C. noun | a gift


Match each speaker with their corresponding dialogue.

- “Will you say grace, Jimmie?”
- “Oh, I should say so, you know my opinion of your pickles—”
- “I’ve always suspected those hens.”
- "Take her out of my hands and it all falls apart.”

Speakers: Kate Keller, James Keller, Annie Sullivan, Aunt Ev

- “Will you say grace, Jimmie?” : Kate Keller

- “Oh, I should say so, you know my opinion of your pickles—” : Aunt Ev

- “I’ve always suspected those hens.” : James Keller

- "Take her out of my hands and it all falls apart.” : Annie Sullivan