Title of Artwork
Type of Artwork
Artist/Period and Date
Cultural Significance
Artistic Significance
This sculpture, a Roman marble copy of a Greek bronze, was placed within a monument commemorating the victory of Pergamon against the barbarians. What is it called?
What is the "Dying Gallic Trumpeter"
What type of image is the Roman copy of the Greek painting "Alexander and Darius III"?
What is a floor mosaic BONUS: Created from tesserae, small cubes of marble or coloured stone
In what period was the painting "Dancers and Diners" found in a burial chamber, completed?
What is the Etruscan period
What does the inclusion of clothing - rippling robe - say about the cultural values of the Etruscans compared to the Greeks?
What is the belief in modesty BONUS: Going into the Roman period, this will develop into the belief in virtue
What stylistic feature of "Apollo" attests to the Etruscan sculptors knowledge of the works of their Archaic Greek counterparts?
What is the Archaic smile
This floor mosaic depicts the confrontation between a Macedonian and a Persian. What is the name of this Roman copy?
What is "Alexander and Darius III"
What are the three main materials used to construct the "Pantheon" and what type of architecture is it?
What is a temple constructed out of brick, marble and concrete.
What period was the "Dying Gallic Trumpeter" created in and who was the supposed artist?
What is the Hellenistic Period and Epigonos
Originally part of a statue of the seated emperor, what does "The Colossal Head of Constantine the Great" symbolize?
What is a reminder of the future Emperor's imperial power BONUS: Served as a stand in for Constantine as the supreme judge
What artistic technique did the Etruscans borrow from the ancient art of Egypt and Greece in "Dancers and Diners"?
What is conforming to a colouristic convention for gender differentiation - alternating between light-skinned women and their male partners
What is the name of the sculpture depicting a Greek/Roman god taking part in a narrative scene representing a fight between himself and Herakles over the possession of a deer sacred to his sister Artemis?
What is "Apollo" from the Temple of Minerva
In the Tomb of Triclinium at Tarquinia, friezes titled "Dancers and Diners" surround a room whose ceiling is enlivened with geometric designs. What type of artwork is this?
What is painting on plaster
What date is attributed to "Augustus of Primaporta"?
What is the Early 1st century CE BONUS: The Republican Period
In the wall painting "Portrait of a Married Couple" a baker by the name Terrentius Neo is shown alongside his wife. What does the portrait say about her status in Pompeii?
What is a sense of equality between her husband and herself. The depiction of a writing utensil and a tablet indicates that she can read and write and thus, probably helps her husband run his business. BONUS: Women in Roman society had a larger presence in the public sphere
What are the two major techniques used in the mosaic "Alexander and Darius III" in order to reflect the Hellenistic taste for dramatic narrative subject matter?
What is foreshortening (a technique that shows objects as if they are receding or projecting forward - the rump of the front horse) and modelling (the creation of solid figures by highlighting protruding areas and shading receding ones)
This over-life-size statue of an emperor was discovered in the villa of his wife Livia towards the end of the Republican Period. What is the name of this statue?
What is "Augustus of Primaporta"
What materials were used to create the "Colossal Head of Constantine the Great"?
What is marble BONUS: The original sculpture combined marble with bronze supported on a core of wood and bricks
Discovered in Pompeii, when was the wall painting "Portrait of a Married Couple: The Baker Terrentius Neo and his Wife" dated?
What is the mid-1st century BCE
What battle is the commemorative sculpture "Dying Gallic Trumpeter" depicting?
What is Attalos I of Pergamon's defeat of the Gauls, a Celtic people from the North who invaded in 230 BCE. BONUS: Identified as a Celt by the torque around his neck (in their culture, it was awarded to warriors)
What are two artistic innovations attributed to the construction of the "Pantheon", a temple that reflected Emperor Hadrian's admiration for Greek culture and was dedicated to the Olympian Gods?
What is the use of an oculus (central circular opening in the roof) and coffers (square-like recessed ceiling panels that lighten the weight of the masonry)
What is the name of a portrait found in Pompeii in the form of a wall painting?
What is "Portrait of a Married Couple: The Baker Terrentius Neo and his Wife"
Constructed during the Late Empire following the failed leadership of the tetrarchy, the "Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine" was what type of artwork?
What is a basilica BONUS: Last important imperial public building erected in Rome itself which functioned as an administrative center
Under the leadership of Emperor Hadrian the "Pantheon" was erected. What is the start and finish date of this temple?
What is between 118 and 128 CE
As a form of political propaganda the imperial portrait "Augustus of Primaporta" conveyed what aspects of the first emperor?
What is his youth (physical prime of his life), his success politically and militarily, and his divine status (bare feet are indications of his apotheosis)
What are the two types of vaulting systems that were used to construct the Basilica Nova, or what is now referred to as "Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine"?
What are barrel vaults (carrying the side aisles) and groin vaults (supported the central hall by being buttressed by the barrel vaults BOUS: Vaulting allowed for a generous use of windows in the clerestory