Questions From The Story
Extra Questions

To state one's intention to cause harm or danger. (v)

The vocab word is threaten. 


How much did the manatee population drop in one year?

The manatee population dropped from 3,000 to 2,500 in one year.


Which word is MOST similar to the word threaten? 

a. interrupt 

b. intimidate

c. initiate 

d. integrate

b. intimidate


To feel or cause pain. (v) 

The vocab word is hurt.


How many locations in Florida have manatees?

13 locations in Florida have manatees.


What is the author’s purpose of the reading “Help the Manatees!”? 

a. to persuade readers to travel to Florida to join the Save the Manatee Club 

b. to teach readers how to identify an injured manatee in the waters 

c. to inform readers about what manatees eat in the wild 

d. to explain to readers about a group of people that helps the manatees

d. to explain to readers about a group of people that helps the manatees


To teach someone, especially using the formal system of school, college, or university. (v)

The vocab word is educate.


What is the manatees habitat and what do they eat?

Manatees habitat is in shallow water and they eat weeds and grass.


How are the stories “Whooping Cranes in Danger” and “Help the Manatees!” similar? (Two ways)

In both readings, the animals' population decrease due to humans hunting or harming them. Also in both readings, groups of people try to help the animals recover their population.


To help someone or something out of a dangerous, harmful, or unpleasant situation. (v)

The vocab word is rescue.


What can hurt manatees?

Boats in shallow water can hurt manatees.


The act or process of becoming well again after an illness or injury. (n)

The vocab word is recovery.


What is the name of the action group for manatees and give an example of what they do.

The name of the action group for manatees is the Save The Manatee Club, an example of what they do is give away banners and signs to remind boaters to go slow.