Exploration Stage
Insight Stage
Action Stage
Name That Skill!

List two nonverbal behaviors that facilitate attending

eye contact, facial expression, head nods, body posture, space, 


This skill is used to help clients recognize maladaptive feelings, motives, and desires of which they are not aware or unwilling to change.

What are challenges


Name two skills used uniquely in the action stage.

What are open questions and probes for action; information; feedback about the client; process advisement; direct guidance; and disclosures of stategies.


These are the limits to confidentiality.

What is intention to harm oneself, intentions to harm others, or reports of abuse.


Client: “Everything is awful in my life right now.” Helper: “Tell me your thoughts about that.”

What is open question for thoughts


Repeating or paraphrasing of the content or meaning of what a client has said.



This type of challenge technique is used when the client expresses a major conflict between two opposing sides.

What is Two-Chair work


"What ideas do you have about what to do in this situation?"

The above is an example of?

What is Open questions and probes for action


This occurs when the client’s past (problematic) relationship patterns play out in the helper-client relationship.

What is transference


Client: “I don’t know if I can handle this problem by myself. It feels like it’s too much for me right now.” Helper: “You feel overwhelmed by this problem.”

What is reflection of feelings


When counselors reveals a feeling that she had or has.

What is disclosures of feelings


Reveals an understanding the counselor has learned about herself and is used to facilitate the client's understanding of her thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and issues instead of using challenges or interpretations.

What is disclosure of insight


Can be defined as the counselor giving information to the client about her behaviors or impact on others, but it is confined to information about eh client specifically.

"You expressed yourself very clearly and concisely in the role-play"

What is Giving Feedback.


Can be defined as the counselor revealing a feeling that she had or has. 



Client: "I am basically failing in school right now. I have a 3.8 GPA, but I just failed my last Biology test. I am such an awful student. I'm not going anywhere in my education. I should just quit." Helper: "You say you're an awful student, but you also say you have a great GPA."

What is a challenge


A statement that explicitly labels the client's feelings.

Reflection of feeling


This skill is used the most in the action stage.

What is open question for action


Can be defined as making suggestions, giving directives, or providing advice for what counselors think client should do related to something outside of counseling sessions. 

What is Direct Guidance


Name three kind of discrepancies that challenges can be used to point out to the client.

What is: Between two verbal statements; Between words & actions; Between two behaviors;Between two feelings; Between values & behaviors; Between one’s perception of self & experience; Between one’s ideal & real self; Between the helper’s & client’s opinions


Client: "I really want to have a better relationship with my dad. Now that I understand why we don't get along sometimes, I want to work on ways to make things better between us." Helper: "What ideas do you have about what to do in this situation?"

What is open question for action


A kind of restatement; tie together several ideas or pick out the highlights and general themes of the content expressed by the client

What is Summary


Interventions that go beyond what a client has overtly stated or recognized and present a new meaning, reason, or explanation for behaviors, thoughts, or feelings so clients can see problems in a new way.

What are Interpretations


Is used to teach clients skills for responding in more adaptive ways to specific life situations. Counselors teach clients new behaviors through role-playing how they could behave differently in specific situations.

What is Behavioral Rehearsal


What is the difference between information and direct guidance?

When giving information, helpers provide facts or data but do not explicitly suggest what clients should do Direct guidance indicates what helpers think clients should do


Helper: “Show me how you acted when your roommate asked to borrow your new dress.”

What is process advisement