School Stress
Stress Less
Learning Styles
School Success Strategies
Parenting Pop Quiz

Big changes in the family or catastrophic events in the world

What are stressors outside of school?


Not only should parents teach their children healthy coping skills, they should ______ them.

What is model?


Learns best by using graphs and flashcards.

What is a visual learner?


Two school support systems to help children with learning challenges.

What are IEPs and 504s?


Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages through _______ or __________ means.

What is verbal and nonverbal?


List at least 2 stressors for kids in elementary school.

What are appearances, what to wear pressure, school assignments, homework, peer pressure, family conflict, peer conflict, bullying?


Physical activity, practicing deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, journaling, creative outlets, and guided imagery.

What are healthy coping skills?


Learns best by writing and presenting.

What is verbal learner?


When parents are involved with their child's school, children tend to have better ________ and fewer _________  _________.

What are attitude or grades and behavior problems?


Name the four parenting styles.

What is authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and neglecting/uninvolved?


List at least 3 stressors for teens in school.

What are academic pressures - packed schedules - Social Media (FOMO & cyberbullying) - negative thoughts or feelings - problems with peers such as bullying -moving or changing schools - family financial issues - changes in their bodies - separation or divorce of parents - chronic illness in the family - unsafe neighborhoods - death of a loved one?


Sit or lie comfortably, breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and breathe out through your mouth for 6 seconds.

What is deep breathing?


Likes to be hands-on and move while learning.

What is a physical or kinetic learner?


The three components of the student's triangle support.

What are the student, parent, and teacher?


Resilience is the ability of someone to successfully adapt to __________ life experiences.

What is difficult or challenging?


Two signs that a child may be experiencing stress are _________ concentrating and excessive ___________.

What are difficulty and worrying?


Two ways to help your child reduce are to learn to _________ and encourage __________.

What is listen and exercise?


Learns best through collaboration and working with teams.

What is a social learner?


Sticking to a routine helps your child develop good _____  ____________.

What is time management?


__________ is one of the Seven C's of Resilience that is the belief in one’s own abilities derived from competence.

What is confidence?


Because all kids are different and may respond differently to stress, it is important to watch for changes in your child's __________  __________.

What is behavior patterns?


Parents of high schoolers help them reduce stress by teaching ______ management skills and making time for _____.

What is time and fun?


Learning style includes using patterns and statistics.

What is a logical learner?


Name at least 2 resources available to your child to help them succeed in school.

What is the public library, after-school tutoring, school counselors, and Atlanta Public School Office of Family Engagement?


Stress is a natural human response to situations or factors that are perceived to be threatening or difficult to manage.  Positive stress is called _______ and negative stress is called _________.

What is eustress and distress?