nonmalignant hematologic disorders
hemolytic anemias
bleeding disorders/ leukemia
lymphoma, misc

this complication is characterized by hives, itching, and anaphylaxis...diphenhydramine is given as treatment

What is an allergic reaction?


these are types of diagnostic tests for patients with anemia

what is h/h, reticulocyte count, rbc indices, iron studies, vitamin b12, folate, haptoglobin and erythropoietin levels, and bone marrow aspiration?


these two 'events' indicate a sickle cell crisis

what is ischemia and vascular occlusion?


what action should be completed if a patient with thrombocytopenia falls?

what is report the fall and take the pt to the ER for screenings and imaging


no raw foods, fresh flowers, do not enter if sick, hand hygiene

what are neutropenic precautions?


this reaction occurs when the patient develops a fever and chills during infusion

what is a febrile nonhemolytic reaction?


these are ways to manage anemia

what is correcting or controlling the cause, transfusion of PRBC, and specific treatments like dietary therapy, iron or vitamin supplementation, and transfusions?



what is hydration/transfusion, oxygenation, and pain management?

what are the primary interventions for SCD?


this bleeding disorder is controlled by stopping the infusion of what causes it and starting other approved anticoag therapy such as argatroban

what is HIT


excessive production of erythropoietin from reduced amounts of oxygen, cyanotic heart disease, nonpathological conditions or neoplasms

caused by reduced amount of o2- heavy smoking, osa, copd, severe heart disease, living in high altitudes

what is secondary polycythemia


this reaction is rare and occurs when the patient receives the wrong blood type...evidenced by facial flushing, fever, chills, headache, lower back pain, and shock

what is an acute hemolytic transfusion reaction?


these are 4 collaborative and potential complications related to anemia

what is heart failure, confusion, injury r/t falls, and paresthesias r/t vitamin b12 deficiencies


these are the 5 complications related to SCD

- acute stress syndrome- pulmonary infection/embolism, fever, resp distress, tachypnea, cough, wheezing, infiltrates... tx is transfusions, bronchodilators, antibiotics, mechanical ventilation

- pulmonary htn

- stroke

- sexual dysfunction

- infection (adults: staph; children: pneumonia)


this leukemia is characterized by an enlarged liver or spleen, bone, CNS, headache or vomiting and mostly affects young boys

what is acute lymphocytic leukemia

superior vena cava syndrome, tumor lysis, spinal cord compression

what are the complications of lymphoma?


this transfusion reaction is due to too much blood administered...evidenced by dyspnea, dry cough, and pulmonary edema

what is a circulatory overload reaction?


list the cardinal signs of anemia 

what is fatigue, weakness, malaise, pallor, tachycardia, palpitations, confusion, tongue changes, nail changes, angular cheilitis (cracks and fissures around the mouth), Pica (ice/dirt cravings)?


this type of sickle cell crisis is the pooling of sickled cells in the spleen in children and in the liver and lungs of adults

what is a sequestration crisis?


this type of leukemia is the most prevalent type of adult leukemia and is derived from a malignant clone of b lymphocytes

what is chronic lymphocytic leukemia


this lymphoma is characterized by the infiltration of lymphoid tissues with malignant cells that tends to metastasize, manifested by lymphadenopathy, B symptoms, and symptoms associated with lymphomatous masses

what is non-hodgkin's lymphoma


these 6 nursing interventions are implemented during any transfusion reactions

what is stopping the transfusion, assessment of the client, notifying the provider, administering prescribed meds, obtain urine or blood samples, and documentation?

you are educating a client starting iron supplementation. what are some key teaching topics?

take iron on an empty stomach, take with vitamin c, stool will be dark, increase dietary fiber to prevent constipation, drink any liquid preparations through a straw to prevent/reduce teeth staining


these are nursing diagnoses r/t SCD

what is acute, chronic pain and fatigue; risk for infection; risk for powerlessness; lack of knowledge?


risk for infection/bleeding, impaired oral mucosa, imbalanced nutrition and fluid volume, acute pain, fatigue and activity intolerance, anxiety, risk for spiritual distress

what are nursing diagnoses related to leukemia?


this is the malignant cells of hodgkin lymphoma

what are Reed-Sternberg cells