Indolent Lymphomas
Multiple Myeloma
Burkitt's Lymphoma

In THIS condition, patient may have dyspnea, edema, fever, weight gain > 5kg, hypotension. You treated with dexamethasone 10mg q12h. You should have given prophylaxis : dexamethasone 2.5mg/m2 x 14 days of induction

What is Differentiation syndrome


APLES: Age over 60, Performance status >1, elevated LDH, Extranodal sites of disease > 1, and stage III or IV is a mneomonic to remember this.

What risk factors are considered when determining IPI?


This is the mechanism of action of inotuzumab ozogamicin.

What is a humanized CD22-directed monoclonal antibody-drug conjugate composed of the IgG4 kappa antibody inotuzumab which binds CD22, causing the complex to get internalized, and a calicheamicin component which is released and causes double-stranded DNA breaks?


This disease features a serum monoclonal protein < 3, clonal plasma cells in marrow < 10%, and no SLIM-CRAB features, so you're going to watch and wait. 

What is MGUS?


This immunophenotype is seen with Burkitt's lymphoma and this is the "characteristic" histologic feature. 

What is CD19+, CD20+, BCL6+, CD10+, Usually BCL2 negative, TDT negative? 

What is a "starry sky appearance" due to macrophages ingesting apoptotic tumor cells?


You see this slide and decide on THIS therapy.

What is ATRA?


This is the most common translocation in mantle cell lymphoma

What is t(11;14)(q13;q32), resulting in overexpression of the CCND1 (cyclin D1) gene?


This is the Immunophenotype of B-ALL/LBL

Whati is :  positive CD19, CD79a, cytoplasmic CD22. Most lymphoblasts are positive for CD10, CD24, PAX5, Tdt; CD13 or CD33 can be seen with certain categories of B-ALL/LBL


Mechanism of action of bortezomib

what is a proteasome inhibitor


common associated mutations with BL?

What are t(8;14), t(2;8), t(8;22)


These are the core binding factor AMLs.

What are t(8;21) (q22;q22) or inv(16) (p13q22)/t(16;16) ?


Immunophenotype: CD20+ , CD10+ , BCL6+ , BCL2+ , and CD5− 

Mutation: t(14;18)

is seen with this disease.

What is follicular lymphoma?


Treatment for Ph+ ALL

What is BCR-ABL TKI + either glucocorticoid or chemotherapy (typically also includes glucocorticoid)?


M spike > 2, free light chain ratio > 20 and clonal marrow plasma cells > 20% are indicative of THIS

What is the 2-20-20 rule for smoldering MM high-risk factors for progression?


Endemic Burkitt's lymphoma is associated with THIS viral infection

What is EBV?


The regimens below are used for THIS clinical scenario: 

1) FLAG-IDA (fludarabine+ cytarabine+ idarubicin+ G-CSF) +/- venetoclax

2) CLIA (Cladribine+ idarubicin + cytarabine) +/- venetoclax

3) Vyxeos

What are the high intensity treatment options for relapsed/refractory AML?


Nodal/extranodal mass > 7cm, 3+ nodal sites of >3cm, high LDH, spleen > 16cm, organ compression, significant serous effusions, Hgb < 10, ANC<1.5, plt< 100 are part of THIS criteria and should warrant treatment

What factors are considered in GELF criteria?


Patient has hypersensitivity reaction, thromboembolism, pancreatitis, elevated liver enzymes, coagulopathy all as the result of this medication

What is peg-aspargase?


This CD3 xBCMA bispecific antibody is used to treat relapsed MM

What is teclistimab?


This regimen is given to reduce tumor bulk before starting intensive chemo


What is a "pre-phase" of glucocorticoid +  vincristine + cyclophosphamide?


You order the labs below to check for THIS: 

Count recovery (ANC> 1000) with plt > 100k and <5% blasts and no residual evidence of extramedullary disease (normal cytogenetics, negative molecular studies if applicable)

What is considered complete morphologic remission?


This is least toxic standard first line therapy for marginal zone lymphoma needing treatment.

What is rituximab monotherapy?

*H pylori EMZL without t(11;18) can be treated with H pylori eradication therapy alone

These drugs make up POMP maintenance.

What are 6-Mercaptopurine + Vincristine + Methotrexate + Prednisone?


Name the SLIM-CRAB criteria

What are (combined with at least >10% clonal marrow cells or at least one plasmacytoma): >60% clonal plasma cells in marrow, Serum free light chain (involved/uninvolved) ratio > 100, MRI with at least 1 focal lesion > 5mm, 

Hypercalcemia (>11), Renal insufficiency (CrCl < 40 or Cr > 2), Anemia (Hgb < 10), Bony dz (1+ lytic lesion on imaging)


These regimens can be used for high-risk patients with Burkitt's lymphoma.

What are:

DA-EPOCH-R (for less fit patients), HyperCVAD,

or CODOX-M alternating with IVAC for 4 cycles?

(All patients get intrathecal methotrexate)