What Does It Mean?
Whose line is it anyway
pump it up
Those meds
What happened?

This is the amount of blood each ventricle pumps during a given period.

What is cardiac output


The CVP should be zeroed here. 

What is the mid-axillary line in the 4th intercostal space.

What is the phlebostatic axis


Central Venous Pressure will decrease with these conditions. 

What is shock and hypovolemia

Positive inotropes

What is make your heart muscle contractions stronger, raising your cardiac output and increasing the amount of blood your heart can pump out.

  • Epinephrine
  • Norepinephrine
  • Dopamine.
  • Dobutamine.
  • Digoxin.



These can cause low SvO2

What is the decrease in oxygen supply (hemorrhage, low hemoglobin, low cardiac output

increase in oxygen demands (pain, stress, shivering, hyperthermia, seizures)

Oxygen consumption has increased without an increase in oxgyen delivery.


This is the amount of blood ejected per heartbeat.

What is stroke volume?


This site should only be used for short-term utilization or emergency CVL placement. 

What is the femoral site. 


The ability of the heart muscle to contract and thereby pump blood

What is contractility


The amount of days between changing:

a) arterial line dressing/tubing

b) continuous IV tubing

c) central line dressing/tubing

d) intermittent fluids

What are:

a) 4 days

b) 4 days

c) 7 days

d) 24 hours

Complications of pulmonary artery catheters

What is infection, dysrhythmias, air embolus, thromboembolism, PA rupture, pulmonary infarction


This is one example of invasive hemodynamic monitoring.

What is an arterial and/or pulmonary artery catheter, CVP


When inserting a radial arterial line, this should be performed to ensure there is blood supply to the hand if the radial artery becomes occluded.

What is Allen's test


This abnormality would be seen in the CVP value with hypovolemic shock.

What is a decreased CVP?


The frequency required to obtain vital signs for patients on any drips that alter hemodynamics

what is every 15 minutes


Ejection fraction (EF)

What is a measurement, expressed as a percentage, of how much blood the left ventricle pumps out with each contraction. 50-70%


The purpose of arterial lines

What is continuous blood pressure monitoring and arterial blood draws.


It indicates mean right atrial pressure and is frequently used to estimate right ventricular pre-load.

What is the CVP


These are the factors that affect cardiac output.

What are heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV) 


A common side effect of Dexmedetomidine 

what is bradycardia


How does the intraaortic balloon pump improve cardiac output?

Balloon inflates in the aorta during diastole to build up diastolic pressure, balloon deflates during systole to allow forward pressure.


This is the resistance or pressure the ventricular heart muscle must overcome to open the aortic valve and eject volume.

What is afterload

Systemic vascular resistance


Occludes the right side of the heart and sees the left side

What is pulmonary artery wedge pressure or pulmonary artery occlusion pressure



Causes of high preload (3 at least)

What valvular stenosis, pulmonary or systemic hypertension, left or right heart failure, cardiac tamponade, increased blood volume, respiratory augmentation, increased skeletal pump activity, increased ventricular compliance, increased atrial contraction. 


If your patient is in a new onset and sustained bradycardia in the 30s

What is check your patient, check hemodynamics, assess underlying cause, consider administering atropine, transcutaneous pacing


Nursing assessments in hemodynamics

What is assess LOC, skin, vitals, palpate pulses, auscultate the heart and lungs, inspect for JVD, urine output; correlate with monitoring data