Swelling of the lymph nodes and reed Sternberg cells in lymph tissue sample.
What is Hodgkin's Lymphoma?
Hormone sent out from the liver, kidneys, and bone marrow that increases platelet count in the blood stream.
What is Thrombopoietin?
Blood cancer that starts in the bone marrow and causes the production of abnormal WBCS.
What is Leukemia?
Blood product obtained from plasma to replace clotting factors
What is FFP? (Fresh frozen plasma)
what is to break down or decompose?
One of the four substances needed for blood coagulation.
What are Fibrinogen, Prothrombin, Thromboplastin, and Calcium Ions?
Bone marrow failing to produce enough red blood cells
What is aplastic anemia?
Condition in which the body produces too many abnormal lymphocytes. Causing abnormal growths in the lymph nodes anywhere in the body.
What is Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
What is Cellular division and increasing in number of cells?
What is the intrinsic pathway?
Vitamins most important for bone marrow health.
What is Vitamin B12, B9, Iron, and vitamin D?
Name for a type of WBC that play a role in the adaptive immune response. which is more specific and targeted.
What are agranulocytes?
These are more specific and targeted. They include lymphocytes (T cells and B cells) and monocytes (which become macrophages)
What is related to thrombosis which involves the formation of a blood clot?
Rapid & severe bleeding and clotting complication usually caused by sepsis or bacterial meningitis.
What is DIC? Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation.
What is Autologous?
Cell that comes from the thymus gland and assists in cell mediated immunity.
What is a T-Cell?
What is a condition in which there are an abnormally high number of RBC's in the body?
Bleeding disorder that prevents the blood from clotting properly.
What is Hemophilia?
Hemophilia A: Caused by deficiency in clotting factor VIII
Hemophilia B: Caused by deficiency in clotting factor IX
A complication that can occur after a stem cell transplant when the transplanted cells attack the recipients cells.