This is the year that the Jamestown Colony was established.
What is 1607?
Members of the House of Representatives are elected for a term of this length.
What is two years?
The Civil War began in this year.
What is 1861?
WWI began in this year.
What is 1914?
This branch of government has the "power of the purse".
What is the legislative branch?
This is the name of the ship that the pilgrims arrived on while establishing the Plymouth Colony.
What is the Mayflower?
The president is the head of this branch.
What is the executive branch?
Robert E. Lee and many other generals on both sides of the war attended college at this prestigious military academy.
What is West Point?
This word best describes the declared foreign policy of Woodrow Wilson and the United States at the outbreak of the war.
What is neutrality?
What is Plessy vs. Ferguson?
Cortez did this daring act relating to transportation while attempting to motivate his men to conquer the Aztec Empire.
What is burning his own ships?
This amendment protects citizens from self-incrimination and against government seizure of property without due compensation.
What is the 5th Amendment?
In 1863, President Lincoln issued this declaration stating that all slaves in the rebelling states were now free.
What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
This treaty ended the war and imposed punishments on Germany.
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
This system for electing the president can at times result in a candidate winning the popular vote but losing the election.
What is the electoral college?
This colony was established to be a safe haven for English debtors.
What is Georgia?
These men were the three authors of the Federalist Papers.
Who are John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton?
In the years prior to the Civil War, this infamous Supreme Court case ruled that enslaved persons were not citizens.
What is the Dred Scott case?
This is the German message that British Intelligence intercepted which promised Mexico support in regaining lost territories if Mexico fought against the United States in the war.
What is the Zimmermann Telegram?
This French term describes the economic philosophy of free markets which has always been popular in America but received a new justification in the minds of many after Darwin's publication of his "survival of the fittest" theories.
What is laissez-faire?
Manhattan was originally a Dutch colony known by this name.
What is New Amsterdam?
Congress can override a presidential veto with this.
What is a two-thirds majority of both houses?
Instead of calling the conflict the "Civil War," passionate southerners prefer to use this term to indicate that the southern states had the legal right to secede and form their own country.
What is the War Between the States?
Passed by Congress in 1917, this act punished anyone who in writing, speech or action criticized the United States government or its military forces.
What is the Sedition Act?
Passed in 1890, this law was meant to combat the formation of monopolies.
What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?