Who was the Lions Club Founder
Melvin Jones
Who is the most recent Past International President from North Carolina
Sid Scruggs
Where is the location of LCI Headquarters
Oak Brook, Illinois
What is our District Governor's name
Dawson Hart
What are the names our President and our three Vice Presidents
Frank Costerisan, Pat Rinaldi,Warren Halper, Rick Hazzard
What is the year and location where the Lions Club was formed
1917 in Chicago
Where was the first Lions Club Chartered outside of the USA
(within 5000)
Over 45,000
What district is the Hendersonville Lions in
How many members are in the Hendersonville Lions Club
37 members
What is the Lions Motto
We Serve
Name former President who also was a Lion
Jimmy Carter
How many Lions Club members are there worldwide (within 100,000)
Over 1.3 Million
District 31-L Projects
McCune Center
Camp Dogwood
Name two current members who are Past District Governors
Who asked the Lions to become the Knights of Light in 1925
Hellen Keller
When were women admitted as members to Lions Club International
How many countries Have Lions Clubs
Over 200 countries
District 31-L Goals
LCIF Support, Brighter Vision Support, Share Service Reports, Grow Membership
Name at two Hendersonville Lions Service Activities
Film Festival, Eyeglass Screening, VIP luncheon, McCune Support
L-I-O-N-S stand for
The past and future
What is the name and origin of the current LCI President
Fabrício Oliveira - Brazil
What is the location and date of the District 31-L Convention
March 14-15
What year was the Hendersonville Lions Club chartered