words and mishaps
not so silent obsessions
Bands / music
Incel Behavior
Food takes

This large yellow fruit emerges from the ground in a peculiar fashion 

What is a Pineapple 


After making my instagram account public I was able to discover this duo was after me in a round of senior assassins 

Who are Hannah Van Houton and Stella Shepherd 


this band, as ive described it, "loses more of its appeal the happier you are" and really summarizes during and post covid depression 

Who is Beach Bunny


What dictionary incel game do I still play to this day 

What is League of Legends 


This french, dessert-type food tastes kinda like vanilla yogurt and almost made me vomit after eating a single serving. 

What is Creme Brulee. 


This slang word describes the ability to attract the admiration of others  in conversation

What is Rizz 


This is my favorite dog of all time 

Who is Toro


First introduced to me through my dad on car rides to preschool this band emerged in the late 90s / early 2000s.

Who are The Queens of The Stone Age


The activity I did instead of calling my girlfriend after school zoom calls 

what is discord/ playing games


100% sweetness and made of sugar this flamable dessert is just missing some more good flavor and color 

What is a Marshmellow 


This word, used to recount how compact a space is, was used to ask a question to describe a relationship with a classmate. 

What is tight. 


In 2021, along with a group of people, we farmed 33,000,000 of this vegetable in minecraft hypixel.

What is a a Carrot 


This indie/ post-punk band formed in the summer of 2000 was my first favorite (as I called it) "girl band" when I was a toddler

Who are the Yeah Yeah Yeahs 


I have the most steam hours on this loser type 5v5 first person shooter game.

What is Rainbow 6 siege 


What Bubble Bass hides under his tongue after eating a burger this vegitable / flavor is just nasty.

What are Pickles 


This activity would allow Hazel to lose weight in the scenario she would want to 

What is Cardio 


This Policy is used to create modern day segregation in urban America and creates city sprawl. 

What is are zoning laws 


This song, released in 2020, is the song that has been the closest to making me cry 

What is "Selfless" by The Strokes 


I used what branch of science to justify why I thought people should find me cool and should like me in sophmore year.

What is psychology 


This green vegetable I enjoy steamed is just nasty when cooked and charred. 

What is Broccoli 


This web allows people to communicate and share information across the world 

What is the internet?


In 5th grade I annoyed my classmates and teacher with which mostly made up celestial body

What is Earth's second moon or 


This piece, composed by Rachmaninoff in 1892, was performed by me for my final piano recital at McCallum. 

What is Prelude in C# minor 


Because of Mr. Butcher I purchased which book on manipulation and deception.

What are the "48 laws of power" 


This is a combination of cream cheese and salmon that my mom would feed me as a baby so I could eat fish without dying which I still often enjoy more than actual cooked salmon.

What is pink?