Calculating Sales Tax
Disney Trivia
Mr. Keller Trivia

The Valdez family left at noon for a 4-hour trip to visit relatives. They stopped 1 hour for lunch and 2 hours to visit an amusement park. What time did they get to their relatives' house?

7 P.M


Melissa bought a cake that cost $75. The sales-tax rate is 10 percent. What is the total amount she paid for the cake?



A biologist discovered a young, four-legged animal. The animal had lungs, seemed to fertilize internally, and its outer surface was covered with scales. In which class of animals is the biologist likely to place the animal?



Cinderella’s glass slipper fell off of which foot? 

Left Foot


When was Mr. Keller born? 



Trang is planting shrubs beside the highway for his job. He needs to plant 500 shrubs this week.

He planted 84 shrubs on Monday, 92 shrubs on Tuesday, 87 shrubs on Wednesday, and 104 shrubs on Thursday.

How many shrubs does Trang need to plant on Friday to finish the job?

133 shrubs


Jan bought a blazer for $39.90. The price of the blazer was $38. What sales-tax rate was she charged for this blazer?



Which statement about energy is true? 

A. Energy can’t be created or destroyed.

B. Energy can’t transform into different forms.

C. Organisms at the top of food chains have access to the most energy.

D. Energy can undergo transformations only in animals.

A. Energy can’t be created or destroyed.


What is Simba's Mothers name?



Which Fraternity is Mr. Keller in?

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. 


It is 170 miles from Bruce’s house to the city where his brother lives. On his last trip to visit his brother, he drove for 2 hours at 55 miles per hour. Then he came to some very bad road construction. The rest of the trip took 2 hours. How many miles per hour did Bruce drive for the rest of the trip?

30 miles per hour


Rita bought a pair of jeans for $89. The sales-tax rate is 11 percent. What is the total amount she paid for the jeans?



Which vitamin is synthesized by microbes in the intestine and helps to maintain bone health? 

A. vitamin A

B. vitamin D

C. vitamin E

D. vitamin K

D. vitamin K


How long was the Genie in Aladdin stuck in the lamp?

10,000 years 


Am I a dog person or a cat person? 

Dog person


A stadium has 20,000 reserved seats and 25,000 general admission seats. If reserved seats are $17.50 and general admission seats are $10.75, how much money would be taken in if tickets for all the seats were sold?



The price of a pair of shoes is $45.90. The sales-tax rate is 5 percent. How much sales tax do you need to pay?



Photosynthetic organisms produce sugar molecules from radiant energy and inorganic substances. These sugar molecules are then used to provide energy so the organisms can grow and move. Which energy transformation occurs in the second step of this process? 

A. chemical energy to mechanical energy

B. mechanical energy to radiant energy

C. radiant energy to mechanical energy

D. mechanical energy to chemical energy

A. chemical energy to mechanical energy


What is Boo's real name (In Monsters Inc) 



What was Mr. Keller's last job? (Name the right organization or give job description) 

Stepping Stones 


Miranda needs 3.5 yards of fabric to make a curtain for her dining room window and 2.25 yards of the same fabric to make a matching curtain for her kitchen window. If she buys 6.5 yards of fabric, how much will she have left over?

0.75 of a yard


Sam bought brushes for $8, a palette for $5, and oil paints for $15. He paid $29.82 in all. What sale-tax rate did Sam pay?



An individual with a protein deficiency typically experiences increased susceptibility to illnesses, muscle and joint pain, and difficulty concentrating. Why does a protein deficiency cause such diverse symptoms?

A. because the only role of proteins is to provide the enzymes that all cells need to function

B. because proteins are the primary source of energy for many different cell types

C. because the membranes of immune, muscle, and nervous system cells consist entirely of proteins

D. because immune, nervous, and muscle system cells require proteins for structure and regulation

D. because immune, nervous, and muscle system cells require proteins for structure and regulation


Which main Disney character talks the least in their own movie 



What is Mr. Keller's favorite anime, right now? 

My Hero Academia