Punnett Squares
Word Problems
Random #2
Complete a punnet square for TT and tt.
What is Tt, Tt, Tt, Tt
Jimmy has a big nose. His genotype is GG. Sally also has a big nose. Her genotype is Gg. What are the possibilities for their children's genotypes?
What is GG, GG, Gg, Gg
___________ is the passing down of traits from one generation to the next.
What is Heredity.
Hh, Zz, Xx. Each of these are _______________.
What is heterozygous.
The method we use today to predict the traits of offspring is ________________ .
What is the Punnett Square.
Complete a Punnett square for Gg and Gg.
What is GG, Gg, Gg, gg

Jared is homozygous for brown hair. His wife is homozygous for blonde hair. Brown hair is dominant to blonde hair. What are the possible genotypes for their children?

What is Bb, Bb, Bb, Bb.

A pair of alleles that are the same are called __________________.
What is homozygous.
HH, TT, zz. Each of these are ______________________.
What is homozygous.
Capital letters are always represented by the _____________ allele, not the recessive allele.
What is dominant.
Complete a Punnett square someone who is heterozygous for tall and for someone who is homozygous for short.
What is Tt, Tt, tt, tt

Mike is heterozygous for brown eyes. His wife has blue eyes. What percentage of their children will most likely have brown eyes? What percentage will most likely have blue eyes?

What is 50% brown and 50% blue eyes?

A pair of alleles that are different are called ____________________.
What is heterozygous.
Jim and Jane are both heterozygous for being tall. What are the chances that they will have a short child?
What is 25% chance.
A _______________ trait is a trait that is expressed or shown.
What is dominant.
Complete a Punnett square for someone who is Homozygous for green eyes and someone who has blue eyes. Green is dominant over blue.
What is Gg, Gg, Gg, Gg.

Tim and Jenny both have freckles, but each of them carry a recessive trait for no freckles. What are the chances that their children will have freckles? No freckles?

What is 75% freckles and 25% no freckles.

___________________ describes a pair of alleles and is represented by letters such as Tt or TT.
What is genotype.
GG, Gg, Gg, gg. Green eyes are dominant to blue eyes. What percent have green eyes? What percent have blue eyes?
What is 75% and 25%.
A ______________ trait is a trait that is hidden by the dominant gene.
What is recessive.
The four answers for a Punnett square are Zz, Zz, zz, zz. What are the genotypes for the parents?
What is Zz and zz.

James is heterozygous for big lips. His wife also has big lips, but one of their children has small lips. What is his wife's genotype?

What is Bb.

__________________ is simply the expression of the genotype. It is how the trait is expressed (ie. dark hair, tall, big lips, etc.)
What is phenotype.
Write a word problem that will have the following results: The children have a 50% chance of having straight teeth and a 50% chance of having crooked teeth.
What is....
This is the Father of Modern Genetics.

Who is Gregor Mendel?