Traits and Inheritance
Variation and Artificial Selection
Survival and Natural Selection
Groups and Survival

Why are there so many different types of dogs? (dog breeds)

Because people breed dogs with the traits they like.


Theo and Trixie are adult cats that had three kittens. Jinx and Jasmine are adult cats that also had three kittens. All six kittens are shown below. Which ones are Theo and Trixie’s kittens and which ones are Jinx and Jasmine’s kittens? 

(See Slide 1)

Theo and Trixies: 1,3,6

Jinx and Jasmine: 2, 5


There are three different colored moths: black, white and grey. Moths hide on the trunk of the tree to avoid getting eaten. Which moth is the most likely to stay hidden and survive? (see slide 2)

The black moth because it blends in the most


Choose the BEST answer: Animals that live in groups are less likely to... 

a. share their food 

b. feel lonely 

c. get eaten by predators 

d. survive when their environment changes, like when it floods

C: get eaten by predators 


Dogs today are often bigger or smaller than the dogs from a long time ago. How do you think this happened?

Dog are bigger or smaller today because people bred dogs to be bigger or smaller. They selected dogs that were the biggest or smallest and kept selecting the biggest and smallest dogs until the offspring was the size they wanted.


The kittens of Jinx and Jasmine are all siblings, but they don’t all look exactly the same. Which traits do at least two of the Jinx and Jasmine siblings have in common?  (see slide 1)

black stripes

light grey stripes

white at the end of their tail


Scientists noticed that more and more black moths were being hatched from eggs and there were very few grey ones and almost no white ones. Why is this? (see slide 2)

Because the grey and white moths are being eaten so the black moths are laying the most eggs and passing on their traits. The are surviving at a higher rate.


Which is an example of how living in a group can help animals get food? 

a. Penguins huddle together to stay warm in winter.

 b. Seagulls scavenge for food in city trash cans.

 c. Adult dolphins swim in a group around their calves. 

d. Bees in a hive make honey for their larvae to eat.  

D: bees in a hive make honey for their larvae to eat


There are two dogs: One with spots and long legs, and one with stripes and short legs. What could the offspring look like? (Name as many variations as possible)

Spots and long legs

Spots and short legs

Stripes and long legs

Stripes and short legs


True or False? The trait of white paws in all the kittens looks exactly the same. 

(see slide 1)

False, all the cats paws are different. 


hink about the Anoles. Green Anoles can climb high into trees, but Brown Anoles can’t. Brown Anoles eat Green Anoles, yet there seem to be more Green Anoles being born. Looking at the picture, can you explain why this happens? Consider how survival and passing down traits to offspring might play a role (see slide 3)

Green Anoles can climb higher into trees to escape Brown Anoles, so they survive more often and pass down their traits to their babies.


TRUE or FALSE? Animals that live in groups, like dogs, need ways to communicate with one another.

TRUE- for example dogs wag their tails and bark to communicate to tell other dogs if there is danger or not.


Would the offspring of these two dogs all look the same?



Even though Theo and Trixie’s kittens have different traits, it was still possible to identify their 3 kittens because the kittens inherited their traits from their parents. Why DON’T Theo and Trixie’s kittens look EXACTLY like them? Select all that are true.

a. Each trait can be inherited from either parent. 

b. There is variation in the traits.

 c. The parents wanted their offspring to look different.



6. Why do animals with better camouflage survive better in the wild?

a. Camouflage helps them hide from predators.
b. They can find more food because they are harder to see.
c. They can move faster than other animals.
d. They don’t have to worry about weather changes.



Bison live in groups. They do this so that they can all protect their young from predators. Do you think the buffalos are MORE or LESS likely to survive because they live in groups?

More likely!


1. Jake has curly hair. In the winter, his hair gets frizzy because of the dry air. Which of these are true?
a. Jake’s hair type is a trait he got from his parents.
b. Jake’s hair changed because of the weather.
c. Both a and b.

C! both statements are true 


3. There are many breeds of cats because...
a. people bred cats with traits they wanted, like size or coat color.
b. cats wanted to look different from each other.
c. cats don’t have babies very often.
d. cats always look the same as their parents.



Name one other example of animals that live in groups and why it is good for them

Meerkats- they protect each other by sending out a warning when there are predators and hiding underground.

Raven- Make noise to send out signals when they find food to et other ravens know where they can eat

Many more!