Gnosticism & Marcionism
Manichaeism & Montanism
Docetism & Christological Heresies
Other Heresies

What is the secret knowledge in Gnosticism?



Who was tricked by Manichaeism?

St. Augustine, who followed it for years before converting to Christianity.


What does Docetism believe about Christ’s body?

That Christ did not have a real human body but only appeared to have one (phantom body).


What did Donatists believe about rebaptism?

That those baptized by clergy who had renounced the faith must be rebaptized.


What is the Demiurge in Gnosticism?

A lesser divine figure that shaped material reality


What two forces are always at war in Manichaeism?

Good (light) and evil (darkness).


What did Arianism believe about Christ’s divinity?

That Christ was not truly divine but a created being, lower than God.


What did Pelagianism say about original sin?

That original sin does not exist and humans can achieve salvation through their own efforts.


Why didn’t Christ die on the cross in Gnosticism?

the divine Christ, as a spiritual being, was invulnerable and never suffered the pains of the mortal world


How did Manichaeism’s moral code compare to Roman society?

It was strict and ascetic, in contrast to the more relaxed Roman society.


What did Nestorianism believe about Jesus’ nature?

That Jesus was two separate persons, one divine and one human, rather than one united person.


How did Donatists view the true Church?

They believed they were the only true Church, separate from the Catholic Church.


What does false dualism in Marcionism claim?

That there are two gods: the Old Testament god (Demiurge) and the New Testament god (true God).


What did Montanists believe about the Paraclete?

That the Holy Spirit (Paraclete) was speaking through Montanus and his followers with new revelations.


What did Monophysitism teach about Christ’s nature?

That Christ had only one divine nature, which absorbed his human nature.


What did Monothelitism believe about Christ’s will?

That Jesus had two natures (divine and human) but only one divine will.


Why did Marcionism reject the Old Testament?

It saw the Old Testament God as evil and believed Jesus revealed a different, higher God.


Why did St. Augustine ultimately reject Manichaeism?

He realized its dualistic view was flawed and that evil is not a separate force but a corruption of good.


What was the Church’s response to Nestorianism?

The Council of Ephesus (431 AD) condemned Nestorianism and affirmed that Mary is Theotokos (Mother of God).


What did Pelagianism say about sacraments?

That sacraments were unnecessary for salvation, as people could achieve holiness on their own.