In a terrarium, 1 hermit crab needs at least _____ gallons to be comfortable.
How long do hermit crabs live? You get 50 bonus points if you include both captive and wild life expectancies.
In the wild, under good conditions, they can live 30-40 years. In captivity, under good conditions, they can live 5-20 years.
Are bananas good or bad?
You get 50 bonus points if you include why.
Bananas are high in potassium and magnesium.
What does a hermit crab who wants another crab's shell typically do?
You get 50 bonus points for every other behavior you include.
1. Rock the other crab's shell back and forth.
2. Chirp.
3. Fight (or try to fight).
4. Act dominant, even if not.
Hermit crabs need this temperature to survive; below it is fine, but not too low!
80 degrees
How many legs do hermit crabs have? You get 50 bonus points for each pair of legs you describe the purpose of.
10. The first set are their pincers (it is spelled pincers, not pinchers), one larger and one smaller. The second and third help walk. The fourth and fifth help hold the crab inside their shell, and also help fling excrement out of the shell.
Are avocadoes good or bad?
You get 50 bonus points if you include why.
Avocadoes are high in potassium.
What to male hermit crabs that want to mate typically do?
Rock the female's shell until she either comes out or ignores him.
Hermit crabs need this amount of humidity to breathe; otherwise, they will suffocate
How many antennae do hermit crabs have?
Are flowers and grass good or bad?
You get 50 bonus points if you include why.
Flowers and grass may have fertilizers or -cides on it.
What do crabs that don't like their tankmates or environment typically do?
You get 50 bonus points for every other behavior you include.
1. Chirp.
2. Shed limbs.
3. Try to escape.
4. Fight other tankmates or even you.
How deep should substrate be in a hermit crab enclosure?
4+ inches
Of the 8 core genera of hermit crabs, how many live underwater?
Is albacore tuna good or bad?
You get 50 points if you include why it is bad
Large tuna contains high levels of mercury.
What do crabs that like their environment typically do?
You get 50 bonus points for every other behavior you include.
1. Sleep in different places.
2. Have a dark purplish-red color.
3. Eat all the food.
4. Refuse to retreat in their shell when you open the tank.
How many dishes do hermit crabs need? You will get 50 bonus points for every time you include the purpose of the dish.
3. 1 for food, 1 for fresh water, and 1 for saltwater.
How heavy do the largest hermit crabs get? You will get 50 bonus points for each name you include.
9 pounds (4.08 kilograms). Names include the coconut crab, the robber crab, and the palm thief.
Is cholla/choya wood good or bad?
You get 50 bonus points if you include why.
There are no nutrients in cholla wood so it is fine for them to eat. It also serves as a climbing toy.
What do hermit crabs about to molt typically do?
You get 50 bonus points for every other behavior you include.
1. Change color to a pale grey.
2. Stop eating.
3. Be lethargic.
4. Have a milky glaze in their eyes.
5. Burrow often.