How do you get the attention of the teacher or assistant?
Raise your hand and wait for them to come to you.
Where do you eat lunch?
Back porch at a table
Who are the homeroom teachers?
Aubrey, Leon, and Kirin
Where does your ELA notebook belong?
In your inside cubby.
Should you bring a backpack to school every day?
No, unless approved by your homeroom teacher
What is the bathroom policy?
Show bathroom sign to teacher or assistant. Sign out on sign out sheet. Sign back in when you return.
TRUE or need to line up in front of your homeroom after recess
What is Aubrey's favorite color?
Where should your backpack go if it does not fit in your outside cubby?
In the office, communicate with your homeroom teacher beforehand
How long is silent reading?
1 hour
What do you do when the bell rings?
Stop, look, and listen
TRUE OR can wear shoes on the jumping pillow
What is Kirin's favorite type of show?
Where can you find the dusters?
Under the kitchen sink
What do you do if you need to use the restroom?
Use your bathroom sign and once approved, sign out on the sheet.
When is an appropriate time to use the electric pencil sharpener?
When there is not a lesson or directions being given.
Which way do you go to put your lunch away?
Around the building, past the library and nurse's office
What is Leon's favorite food?
Where are EXTRA art supplies like paper, colored pencils, and markers kept?
In the quiet room.
What day(s) of the week do chairs need to be put up on the tables?
What should you NOT do in your chair?
Do not tip your chair, move chair without permission, or drag it on the floor.
Who do you ask when you want to know if recess is indoors or outdoors?
Sanahin or Ricardo (the assistants)
Which of the homeroom teachers has been at Hermosa the longest?
Where can the brooms and dustpans be found?
In the closet and bench outside.
What is the difference between cursive and calligraphy?
Cursive tends to arise out of speed, meaning the faster you need to write, the more likely you are to use cursive. Calligraphy tends to be more decorative and ornate.