Call To Adventure
What does the Birth/Home stage introduce to?
The protagonist's life before the call to adventure.
What is an amulet in this literary element?
An item that could prove beneficial to the success of their journey.
What is a test?
Obstacles the Hero must encounter before reaching the climax of the journey.
What is the climax?
The final test that the hero encounters.
What does the return symbolize?
The beginning of the conclusion/the journey back to safety/home.
What part is the "Call To Adventure" a part of?
Rising Action
What does the Crossing the Threshold stage signify?
The hero is committed to the journey.
What was Hercules' weakness?
Megara or Meg
What part is the "Flight" a part of?
Falling Action
What is Elixir?
The information the hero gained on their journey.
What does Joseph Campbell portray the protagonist as?
Someone living a sad and boring life which the viewer can sympathize or relate to.
Who are the first helpers that Hercules meet on his journey?
Phil the Satyr, and Pegasus the Pegasus
What were the three tests in Moana?
Kakamora, Tamatoa and the first battle with Te Ka.
What does Hercules do with Megara's soul?
Reunite it with her body.
What does Hercules say to the gods?
That he refuses to become a God.
What is the common trope of the Call To Adventure stage?
Something dangerous or negative that alters the course of their future.
What is the crossing the Threshold point mentioned in Moana? (Basic Point)
Moana reaches the island, gets trapped by Maui, and eventually returns to the boat with the Ocean's help.
What does the second Helpers stage mean?
Someone who provides wisdom, experience and/or aid regarding the climax.
What is the tesseract?
A fifth-dimensional space constructed by future humans where you perceive time as a physical dimension.
What is the Elixir in Interstellar?
Cooper’s journey provides the data that allowed Murph to solve the gravity equation, enabling humanity’s survival. He gains profound knowledge about time, love, and human connection.
What was the Call To Adventure in Interstellar?
Discovering strange anomalies in the bedroom, and using those coordinates to find Nasa's secret base.
What is the Crossing the Threshold part in Interstellar?
(Cooper leaves Earth, knowing he might not return.) As they pass through the wormhole, the crew experiences the wonder and danger of interstellar travel, fully committing to their quest.
What was the test on Miller's planet? (2 Answers)
Extreme time dilation and the giant tidal waves.
What does Cooper manipulate, and what is it for?
Manipulating gravity to send quantum data needed to solve the gravity equation to Murph.
What was the elixir in Hercules?
Zeus adding a constellation for Hercules to show to the world that he is a True Hero.