The phrasing in which we use to convey the eventing in an incident without emotion.
What is objective?
Any act that disrupts the orderly conduct of a school function; behavior that substantially disrupts the orderly learning environment.
What is disorderly conduct?
What are Anxiety, Defensive, Risk Behvaior, and Tension Reduction?
When a student runs behind the building, you call this.
What is a brown folder?
What is signing in?
ODE requires this distribution timeline when an incident involves a restraint.
What is 24 hours
Touching or striking of another person against their will or intentionally causing bodily harm to an individual.
While in a crisis, these three Ps always need to be considered.
What is position, posture and proximity?
When you need behvioral support and your coach is not avialible, you call this person second and these people third.
What is buddy coach and lead coaches?
These are the individuals responsible for taking daily data for students if they are with them?
What is everyone?
This is how you would label the third incident with student WT on 2.26.25.
What is WT 2.26.25 IR3.
What is Insubordination?
When calculating risk, these two things are considered to objectively assess the situation.
What is Likelihood and Severity?
These are the steps for our bathroom protocol.
What is checking restroom before, signing student in, knocking on door to check on student, signing student out, and checking bathroom afterwards?
Questioning, Refusal, Release, Intimidation, and Tension Reduction belong to this continuum.
What is the verbal escalation continuum?
These four sections comprise the main events of an incident report.
What are the antecedent, challenging behavior, de-escalation strategies, and outcome/plan for returning to class?
Language or actions, written, oral, physical, or electronic, in violation of community or school standards.
What is Obscene Behavior?
This non-restrictive intervention can be used to reduce the audience for a student in distress.
What is a room clear?
These individuals are the only ones who have the power to suspend students.
Who are Stacey, Brandon, and Gary?
One is earned and the other is used for regulation.
What are breaks and options?
What is parent notification, teacher/coach notification, write IRR, scehdule debrief?
This category comprises misbehavior not captured elsewhere. Problem behaviors could include dress code violations, running in the halls, possession of contraband, cheating, lying to authorities, or falsifying records.
What is Violation of School Rules?
When a crisis involves Risk Behavior, these are the two interventions used to maximize safety and minimize harm.
What are restrictive and non-restrictive interventions?
Social Skills Specialists are called for this.
What are threats to self and others?
What is Lord of the Rings?