What are potential adverse effects seen in patients taking Levodopa-Carbidopa?

- Cardio: dysrhythmias, hypotension

- Muscular: chorea, muscle cramps

-GI: distress 


What are the names of some drugs used to increase Dopamine levels in patients with Parkinson’s Disease?

  • Dopamine replacement

- Levodopa-carbidopa

Anticholinergic drugs

- Benztropine

Dopamine modulator

  • - Amantadine

  • Indirect-acting dopaminergic.

- MAO-B inhibitors

  • Catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors (COMT)

- Tolcapone


Why do benefits of Parkinson drugs decline after 2 years?

  • - Medications can relieve the symptoms of Parkinson’s. But they become less effective as the disease progresses, and their side effects get worse. Medication is very individual and has to be adjusted frequently. Treatment with Parkinson’s medication aims to balance out the lack of dopamine in the brain in order to relieve the symptoms, but the drugs can’t cure the disease.
  • What is an anti-cholinergic drug used to help patients with Parkinson’s Disease and why is this drug used for Parkinson’s Disease?
  • - Benztropine
  • - Used as a secondary drug for tremors
  • What are nursing considerations important to think about when administering drugs for Parkinson’s Disease?
  • - Education is very important
  • - Continuing physical activity is just as important as taking medications
  • - It may take several weeks to see a therapeutic response to the medications
  • - Pts may experience dizziness and possible syncope….Be safe
  • - Give drugs several hours before bedtime to reduce risk of insomnia
  • - Avoid taking drugs with high protein
  • - Understand the psychological and emotional effects of this disease
  • -Get a baseline assessment of movements to help with evaluation of medication
  • - Nursing interventions will vary depending on the drug classes they are receiving.
  • - Pts can experience postural hypotension related to drug therapy

What interactions should the nurse be aware of in patients taking Levodopa-Carbidopa?

- Vitamin B6

- High protein meals

- Nonselective MAOIs, Benzos