The time in life where language is acquired most accurately during the first few years of life
Critical Period for Language Acquisition
True or False: Sequential Bilinguals learn multiple languages from birth and have two L1s
False, this is Simultaneous Bilinguals
What is DLD/what does it stand for?
Developmental Language Disorder
The term used to describe those with ASD when they repeat language heard in speech of others.
What is an example of gender difference in language use?
Girls begin talking before boys, preschool girls tend to ask for help over preschool boys, boys tend to be more assertive, boys interrupt more frequently than girls, etc.
Which group believes that language is innate?
Mutually intelligible variations within a language that are a function of the speaker’s identity
What are the characteristics of children with developmental language disorder (DLD) at 24 months? Name one
Fewer than 50 words, no word combinations, a desire to communicate, engagement in joint attention and imitation, use of gestures like pointing, all language areas being affected, and stronger receptive language compared to expressive language
This term refers to word finding challenges.
What is a reason children code switch?
Provide emphasis, because of the topic, because it is easier to say in another language, etc.
Who are the major supporters of Nativism?
Noam Chomsky, Steven Pinker
How can SLPs distinguish between a communication disorder and a dialectal difference?
Become familiar with all cultural groups and dialectal variations within the population they work for, utilize standardized tests that represent that population, develop local norms, or use non-standardized assessments
Early signs of this condition may be indicated when a baby does not readily look at their caregiver, respond to their name, or react to social bids, almost as if they cannot hear
Autism Spectrum Disorder
This term refers to the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations.
What are the different language varieties used by people in a shared culture?
Sociolect, Chronolect, Ethnolect
A language that develops due to contact between speakers of two different, mutually-incomprehensible languages
The ability to use knowledge of one language to facilitate development in the other
Bilingual Bootstrapping
What causes atypical language development
Nature/genes, nurture/environment, both
This term is the concept that the human brain contains a limited set of rules for organizing language, all languages share a common structural basis and children are born knowing these rules.
Universal Grammar
This term refers to describing the meaning of an intended word, rather than using the word itself.
What is an example of evidence against Piaget’s Cognitive Theory?
Correlation does not equal causation, children use signs while still in the sensorimotor stage, Williams Syndrome, Turner Syndrome
This type of awareness predicts syntactic development and children’s ability to acquire literacy
Metalinguistic Awareness
An IQ < 70 AND limitations in adaptive behaviors
Intellectual Disability
This term can be defined as languages that develop due to contact between speakers of two different, mutually-incomprehensible languages. It is also L2 to both communicators.
Name one of the 5 models of DLD.
1. Surface hypothesis, 2. Immature/Incomplete grammatical knowledge, 3. generalized Slowing, 4. memory deficits, 5. auditory processing deficits