What is a crime?
something that is illegal
Is Andreas rich?
How many countries' flags are red?
who wrote the song Der er et yndigt land
what color was saga's hair in 4th grade?
what was the name of the killer girl with the needle
dagmar overby
Who is Andreas?
a human being
Is Denmark the largest country in the world?
of course...
who wrote the holiday song
Victor Skaarup
In what grade did mie start wearing glasses?
1 class
who was it that ate his victims?
What is Andreas' last name?
Andreas Bondo Aaberg
Which country eats the most chocolate?
saga can sing?
do i like snakes
Has Andreas done anything illegal?
When is Andrea's birthday?
23 Maj.
How many flags in the world are purple?
who won MGP 2000?
Freja og Michala
with the song black black talk
How long does a hamster live?
2- 3 years
who was emilie meng?
a girl who was kidnapped
Where did Andreas work before he came to TGB School?
Københavns kommune
What is the earth?
a planet
when did kim larsen die?
on 30 September in Odense
where are mie's earrings from?