Let's Address that
Sanctuary 101
Protective Factors
Just for fun
A strategy for finding out more about a situation or problem by asking a series of questions aimed at clarifying what the problem really is and what the parent has already done to ressolve this situation.
What is Solution focus talk
A visual reminder of activities or skills we can use to help us manage our emotions when triggered or feeling stress or overwhelmed
What is Safety Plan
Parents are able to build trusting relationships so they feel respected and appreciated
What is social connections
What actor is set to play Batman, in the movie "Batman Vs Superman"
Who is Ben Affleck
A strategy for building a parent's awareness of, and sentive responses to, their child's cues, feelings and needs.
What is Explore and wonder
The key structures that make up the operating system of the Sanctuary Model – the values that we agree to live by
What is The Seven Commitments
Parents learn how to manage stressors so they are better able to provide nurturing attention to children and to solve and meet personal challenges and crisis
What is Parental Resilience
a Mexican telenovela which aired on Televisa in 1995, and starred actress and singer Lucero as triplets
What is Lazos de amor
A strategy to build a parent's self-esteem and confidence, pointing out their strengths or things they are doing well
What is Accentuating the positive
This tool is used as a way to respond to critical incidents, focuses on solutions not problems, and helps create accountability
What is Red Flag Meeting
Parents understand and utilize effective child management techniques and have age appropiate expectation for children
What is Knowledge of parenting and Child development
Color were the slippers in the original Wizard of Oz
What is Silver
Statements made to a family member aimed at increasing the frequency of a parenting practice or lifestyle choice that will benefit the child, parent or family
What is Strategic Accentuating the Positive (S-ATPs)
Occurs when both internal and external resources are inadequate to cope with external threat.
What is Traumatization
Parents respond to the needs of their children and learn to establish an enviroment in which children feel safe to express their emotions.
What is Social-Emotional Competence of Children
Produces around one fifth of the world’s oxygen
What is The amazon rainforrest
A strategy for encouraging a parent tp consider other options by increasing his/her awareness of her feelings or emotional reactions, while expressing empathy for the situation the parent is expreriencing
What is Feel, Felt, Sound
The “loss of integrated function” and the brain’s self protective “checking out” response
What is disassociation
Parents seek help when needed, gain knowledge of relevant services and are resourceful
What is Concrete support in Times of Need
The only four Disney cartoons where both parents are present and don't die throughout the movie.
What is 101 Dalmatians, Peter Pan, Lady and the Tramp, and Mulan