Tommy is playing with his fire engine and talking to himself about where the fire engine is going and what the fire engine is doing. This is an example of __________ __________.
What is private speech.
According to Piaget, this is the transitional period between the early and middle childhood, where thinking is still based more on intuition than logic.
What is the 5 to 7 shift.
Karl understands that he can put things in order and is helpful in learning more advance math.
What is seriation.
These are the two main eating disorders that often begin in adolescence due to preoccupation with appearance and being thin.
What is anorexia and bulimia.
In high school, John has a group of acquaintances and then a tight knit group of friends. What are these two types of groups called.
What is crowds and cliques.
Name the three types of temperament.
What is easy, difficult, slow to warm up
The main difference in thought in middle childhood, according to Piaget, is that it is more _________ than early childhood thought.
What is logical.
List three of the five temperaments discussed by Janson and Mathieson.
What is confident, undercontrolled, unremarkable, inhibited, uneasy
Jordan is worried that everyone is looking at him. He thinks everyone is staring at the pimple he found on his chin that morning. This is an example of __________ ________.
What is imaginary audience.
Name the four main parenting styles
What is authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved
This is the test used to assess whether a child has theory of mind.
What is the false belief task.
This is the conflict of middle childhood according to Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development.
What is industry vs. inferiority
Jessica speaks very formally to her teachers (saying yes sir, yes ma'am), but casually to her friends. This is an example of ___________.
What is code switching.
According to Erikson, the major conflict during adolescence is ______ vs. _________.
What is identity vs. role confusion.
This is the final stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development and occurs in Adolescence.
What is formal operational stage.
Jamie says "I missded you" and "You smellses bad" This is an example of __________.
What is overregularization.
This type of aggression is meant to help the child get something he or she wants and is self-initiated
Whereas this type of aggression is meant to hurt someone and is a defensive response to provocation
What is proactive and reactive.
Discuss some ways to reduce childhood obesity.
Eat family dinners at home, together. More exercise. Join sports teams, don't eat out as much, encourage children to help prepare meals, etc.
Name the three levels of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning.
What is preconventional, conventional, and postconventional.
The four year old, Corra doesn't understand that other people have different thoughts and points of view then she does. This is called what?
What is Egocentrism.
This advancement in development in the brain enables children to think quicker and also protects the neurons in the brain.
What is myelination of neurons.
This theory of cognition uses the analogy of the computer to describe memory.
What is information processing theory
This is the concept that parents let go of some control and supervision with the child as they get older, but are still there for overall support and major parenting roles.
What is coregulation.
The "off-time puberty" that is most detrimental is ________ for girls and ___________ for guys.
What is early and late.
What are three examples of adolescent egocentrism.
What is imaginary audience, invincibility fable, personal fable.