Policies & Procedures
HELP - Where do I go?? What do I do??

All policies aim to promote these 5 values

What are respect, dignity, fun, safety, and independence? 


This is where you'll find your daily schedule

Where is the back of my nametag?


ADL stands for this

What are Activities of Daily Living?


The name for managing your own emotions/stress during a crisis

What is rational detachment?

The proper response to "YO!!"

What is "WHAT'S UP?"


This rule sure is happy

What is the J.O.Y rule? (Jesus, Others, Yourself) 


This person will give you all of your medications

Who is a nurse? 

A camper may need assistance with these ADL's (name at least 3)
What is...?

Eating; Dressing; Showering; Brushing Teeth; Toileting; Gross Motor Skills (walking, swimming, playing field games, etc); Fine Motor Skills (crafts, writing, buttoning pants, etc)


This is the proper response to Anxiety Behavior in the crisis development model

What is Supportive Behavior?


These are the 4 activities in our camp rotation (name at least 3 for full points)

What is putt-putt, gym, crafts, and canoeing? 


You need this if your camper needs to use the restroom

What is a third?


This person can help if you have a question about the schedule

Who is Abby "Swain" Swainson (camp director extraordinaire) 

You get new pairs of these every time you touch a person during a cleanliness ADL

What are gloves? 

(Examples - going from throwing away a brief to pulling up pants needs a change of gloves // going from helping a camper wash their body to helping them get dressed needs a change of gloves)


This is the phrase that will go over the walkie talkie if someone is in crisis

What is ..... (Insert whatever phrase we come up with together here)


These are 3 songs we sing at camp

What is...?

Herman the Worm; River of Life; Boom Chica Boom; Banana Song; The Milk Song; The Beaver Song; Gray Squirrel; Hippo Song; If You Love Jesus; The Bean Song


This rule mimics an animal that gives good hugs

What is the supportive stance? (Bear hug)


These are people you can talk to if you're feeling burnout, overwhelmed, and need a break (name 2 for full points)

Who are...?

A Staff Member; Swain, Emily, Susan, and Abbey? 


This is the proper way to dispose of gloves to avoid germs on your hands (show us)

Points awarded if you did it correctly 


This person handles all abuse suspicions and reporting

Who is Emily Brown?

These are 3 ways I can make the mundane fun for campers
What is...?

Singing; Dancing; Talking; Praising the Lord; Playing Games; Encouraging Each Other; Being Silly; Taking an Interest in What They're Interested In


These are the 5 exceptions to the arm's length rule

What are...

Beds; Toileting; Showering; Getting Dressed; and if your camper needs space to prevent a crisis


This is where you'll go in the morning if you're camper is ready before breakfast is

Where is the side lawn? 


This is the technique that helps someone with an ADL but promotes independence 

What is hand over hand?


These are the 4 ways to respond to Defensive Behaviors

What are...?

Using short, simple phrases; Providing limits/choices; Objectively analyzing the situation; and continuing to use supportive responses 


This is the verse our camp theme is based off of for 2024

What is Psalms 119:105?

Alternatively - what is "Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path"?