Fruits of the Spirit
Finish that Lyric!
Bible Trivia! (Related to our Learning)
Hybrid Heritage Trivia!
Potpourri (Miscellaneous)

This fruit of the spirit is related to having a deep happiness the comes from serving God.

What is joy?


In heavenly armor we'll enter the land, _____________________.

The battle belongs to the Lord


This is the man that murdered his brother Abel.

Who is Cain?


These are our three school rules.

What is being Safe, Kind, and Responsible?


Other than Mr. Steward, this chapel speaker has appeared most often and we love him!

Who is Mr. Joe?


This fruit of the spirit is related to having control over your self and your actions.

What is self-control?


Tall mountains, green valleys, the beauty that surrounds me, ______________________.

All make me aware of the one who made it all.


After wrestling with the being that appeared in the night, Jacob was renamed to what?

What is Israel?


What is the name of the activity we did at the harvest festival that let you pick out your dessert?

What is the Cake Walk?


This faithful daughter-in-law followed her mother and worshiped her God. She was rewarded for her faithfulnesss.

Who is Ruth?


This fruit of the spirit is related to what Jesus calls "The Greatest Commandment."

What is love?


Are you ever burdened with a load of care?

Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?


This word means to be strong, but to have your power under control. Much like a Great Dane dog, that will heel to its master.

What is meekness?


When your teacher does this, you copy it and give them your attention.

What is raising your hand?


This is the most common career for fathers in our academy.

What is Law Enforcement (Police Officers)?


Even during hard times, when things feel crazy. God offers us this fruit of the spirit that calms our heart.

What is peace?


When we walk with the Lord, in the light of His Word

What a glory He sheds on our way!


In order to be saved from the snakes that were killing the Israelites, his people were told to look at this cursed object in order to be saved.

What is a Bronze Serpent? (Will also accept serpent on a pole/staff)


On this special day, we read and celebrated Christmas in our pajamas.

What is DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) Day!


This awesome guest speaker has taught twice and can often be seen around the building. He is also the preacher for this church!

Who is Mr. Tommy?


This fruit of the spirit is related to restraining yourself to stay away from something bad.

What is forbearance?


To the howling mob He yielded;__________________.

He did not for mercy cry.


After Hagar was banished to the wilderness with her son. God took care of them and also promised that her son would also give birth to a great nation. What is the name of Hagar's son?

Who is Ishmael?


This was the theme of our first spirit day.

What is crazy hair day?


This Christian man served in the military during WW2 as a pacifist and saved dozens of lives lowering them from Hacksaw ridge.

Who is Desmond Doss?