Aid Program

Name one WHO Priority

- Achieving universal health coverage

- addressing health emergencies

- promoting healthier populations

Identify an SDG other than SDG3
1. No Poverty

2. Zero Hunger
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
13. Climate Action


What is the type of aid that provides food, water, shelter and immediate assistance

Emergency Aid


Name one NGO

Red Cross, Oxfam, Care Australia, World Vision


A range of programs have been implemented to address the SDG’s in low income countries. Identify one of these programs and answer the following questions in relation to it.

Agricultural Productivity and Food Security Program in Burkina Faso


The World Health Organisation priority associated with the legally binding health regulations that provide countries with a set of rules to follow in the event of a disease outbreak

Implementing the provisions of the International Health Regulations


Name one target of SDG 3

Various answers include:
- Reduce the maternal mortality rates
- End preventable deaths of newborns and U5MR
- End the epidemics of AIDS, Tb, malaria etc
- Achieve universal health coverage
- Reduce the number of global deaths from injuries and road traffic


Identify how money is distributed through multilateral aid

World Bank, UN, WHO.


How do NGO’s help to promote human development?

By addressing the underlying cause of poor health such as poverty, and giving individuals a decent standard of living so they are able to develop to their full potential


What type of aid is evident in the program?

(THINK - who funds the program?)

Multilateral aid 

Funded by the World Bank



Working with other agencies and governments to standardise the way that research is carried out, the use of common indicators for the collection of data and the health and wellbeing terminology that is used

Work of the WHO - Set norms and standards, and promote and monitor their implementation 


Explain one way that SDG 1 – No poverty impacts on SDG 3- Good health and wellbeing

Various answers;
- By achieving no poverty, people have access to more nutritious foods which can decrease mortality, morbidity and U5MR rates
- By lifting people out of poverty, people will have access to basic services such as clean water and sanitation, this will decrease the rates of communicable diseases, improving health and wellbeing


What is bilateral aid?

Where aid is given by one country's government directly to another.


Evaluate an aspect of World Vision

Various answers include:

Community development— uses an integrated approach called an Area Development Program, which is designed to meet the needs of the community. ADPs operate in geographical areas that are large enough to have a regional impact but small enough to make a major impact on the individuals and communities in the area. They usually operate for 15 years and are designed to address the long-term, interconnected causes and effects of poverty in a way that is sustainable and that empowers the community.

Humanitarian and emergency relief— responds to natural and human-induced disasters to meet immediate needs like food, water and shelter. Also works with communities to help them recover and reduce the impacts of future disasters.

Tackling injustice through policy change, education and advocacy— engaging with governments, institutions, donors, communities and the public to address the underlying causes of poverty, and empowering communities to speak up for their rights and influence change.


What is the purpose of the program?

What SDG is being addressed?

The Food security and Agricultural program in Burkina Faso helps to achieve SDG - 2. 

It's purpose is to improve the food security of Burkina Faso by providing opportunities for farmers to own a plot of land by clearing and preparing areas of land for farming. The people of Burkina Faso receive technical expertise, training and better seed varieties. 

The program also aims to improve producers' capacity to increase the production and to ensure year round availability of cereals and livestock products in rural areas. 


WHO promotes breastfeeding as the best source of nourishment for babies and one of the most effective ways to ensure child health and survival. Yet worldwide, only 38% of babies are breastfed as their sole source of nourishment for 6 months, as WHO recommends. Peru has been a pathfinder. The proportion of infants exclusively breastfed increased from one in five in 1992 to more than half in 2000 – thanks to a nationwide effort to implement an initiative sponsored by WHO and UNICEF

Promoting healthier populations


Outline the 3 objectives of the SDG's

- End extreme poverty
- Fight inequality and injustice
- Address climate change


Explain how Australian aid is addressing the priority Infrastructure, trade facilitation and international competitiveness 

Australia is helping with the construction of roads, rails and airports.
This allows the country to increase trade opportunities and increase the economy and international competitiveness 


Explain how Red Cross promotes health and wellbeing

Various answers include:

Provides first aid training to reduce the impact of injuries, for example in the treatment of snake bites in remote Timorese villages

Meeting humanitarian needs in crises, for example providing nurses as part of mobile medical teams to help treat people injured (physical) in armed conflict

Reducing the impact of disasters by providing humanitarian aid, including the provision of water sterilising tablets to reduce the incidence of disease such as cholera (physical) caused by drinking unsafe water when clean water supplies have been distroyed, for example after an earthquake.

....including working with locals to help repair a flood wall, supporting the self esteem of the locals as they can perceive that they are supporting their communities (mental)


Explain how the program (Burkina Faso) could promote health and wellbeing

Having access to sufficient food is important for health and wellbeing. Food is required for the functioning of the human body; it provides the energy needed for individuals to complete daily tasks and reduce the risk of malnutrition (Physical health and wellbeing).

Some nutrients found in food are important for increasing immunity to disease; therefore, food security improves physical health and wellbeing by reducing the risk of illness and disease. 

When people have access to the required quantity and quality of food they can attend school or work. This promotes social health and wellbeing, providing opportunities to develop relationships.

Emotional health and wellbeing can also be promoted because people have a sense of pride and achievement. 

Through the Burkina Faso program, woman can own land, which contributed to spiritual health and wellbeing. Due to the project, the woman feel they are contributing to their community, which brings a sense of connectedness. 

When children have the energy to attend school, it increases their literacy and numeracy skills. Educated people have increased opportunities to earn a higher income and have greater access to resources required to promote physical health and wellbeing, such as fresh food, health care, water, clothing and shelter. 


Explain what microbial resistance means, and describe how tackling this can help to support one of the WHO priorities

Microbial resistance is where bacteria have developed resistance (often referred to as superbugs) to antibiotic medications. Using strategies to decrease inappropriate use of antibiotics, such as when they are prescribed for treatment of a virus, or when a course of antibiotics is not completed, will help ensure antibiotics remain affective against 


Explain the impact of quality education on good health and wellbeing

Various answers include;

Children who access quality education are more likely to be educated about sanitation therefore reducing the prevalence of communicable disease and decreasing U5MR

Mothers who are educated through childbirth are more likely to access healthcare and decrease the rates of maternal mortality 


One of DFAT’s focus areas is Education. Explain how building schools in PNG and Fiji can help to promote health and wellbeing and human development

Various answers include:

Education offers opportunity. Children, in particular girls, can receive an education through the school building program, which will allow them to gain knowledge to access a higher paying job that the individual can use their income for nutritious foods to improve physical health. 

Educated individuals are more likely to send their own children to school, therefore passing on knowledge and helping people live lives they value


Through the World Vision program, Namina and her school mates have been able to continue their education at a temporary learning centre.
100000 have been provided with clean drinking water through construction or restoration of 22 water systems.
1. What type of aid am I?
2. How has this program promoted human development?

1. Aid:NGO

2. Human Development: Children are gaining access to knowledge to enable them to live to their full potential, and make them more able to participate in decisions that affect their lives in the future, such as who and when they will marry.
With access to water, people can live lives they value being free from illness and disease


Explain how the program (Burkina Faso) could promote human development 

Women in the project have become empowered. This means they are more likely to lead productive and creative lives in accordance with their needs and interests. 

With greater empowerment, women are more likely to become involved in the lives of their communities. 

The GNI of a country is linked to food security. Burkina Faso is more likely to have a higher GNI if communities have food to eat and adults can work. By generating an income, adults can pay taxes, w high can be used by the government to invest in infrastructure that promotes improved quality of live and human development, such as roads, water systems and healthcare.

The project works to achieve gender quality by allowing women to own their own plot of land. This creates the conditions for human development. With equal rights, women have access to education, finance, control over other forms of property and greater security all of which contributes to improved human development.