Chapters 1 & 2
Chapters 3 & 4
Chapters 5 & 6
Chapters 7 & 8
Chapter 9

What is a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)?

"The minimum amount of energy required to keep your body functioning"


What are the main components of your diet?

Fats, carbohydrates, and proteins


What is the difference between a GMO and an organic food?

GMO - Genetically modified organism

Organic - No pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or dyes. Cannot be processed using genetic engineering. No antibiotics.


What is a Food Dessert?

When there is little to no access to food (fresh produce and whole grains), 1 mile in urban areas 10 miles in rural areas


What is the difference between hunger and appetite?

Hunger: Physiological (stomach growling, headaches, anger, fatigue)

Appetite: Psychological (increase by environmental cues, sights and smells, memories, mood, and social occasion)


What are the three body types?

Endomorph, Mesomorph, ectomorph


What are the two types of fiber?

Function and Dietary (soluble and insoluble)


What are health claims?

"...statements reviewed by the FDA and supported by scientific evidence that suggest certain foods or diets may lower the risk of a disease or health-related condition."

(The Nutrition Source, Harvard)


What is the difference between Agonist and Antagonist?

Agonist:Target muscle in an exercise

Antagonist: Opposing muscle in an exercise


What are some tips this chapter gives on meal planning? (name at least 2)

1. Create weekly menu

2. Include leftovers

3. Try new recipes

4. Create a list of easy meals

5. Have fun and celebrate success


What does SMART stand for?

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timed


What are the principles of training? (name at least 2)

Overload, progression, specificity, reversibility, individuality, rest and recovery


What is on a food label?

Bonus points if you can name all four major changes to the food label.

Statement of identity, net contents, ingredients list, manufacture information, nutritional information.

Bonus: Serving Size, Calories (larger), added sugars, dietary fiber, nutrients and daily values


What is the difference between Hypertrophy and Atrophy?

Hypertrophy: Increase in size and number of muscles fibers, occurs after strength training consistently

Atrophy: Decrease is size and number of muscles fibers, occurs after not strength training consistently


What are some tips this chapter gives on grocery shopping? (name at least 2)

1. Shop periphery not aisle ends

2. Use bulk food options

3. Shop once a week or every 2 weeks

4. Choose food with less ingredients

5. Choose food closest to their natural states


What food group takes the most amount of energy to digest?

Protein (20-30%)


What does FITT stand for?

Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type


What are the 4 types of stress (Name at least 2)

Acute stress: recent events causing stress, limited time

Chronic Stress: long-term stress

Relative Stressor: situations interpreted as stressful by certain people e.g. busy schedule

Absolute Stressor: situations where everyone would experience stress e.g. natural disaster


What is the difference between Static (Isometric) and Dynamic (isotonic)?

Static:Muscle contraction without a change in the length of the muscle or joint angles

Dynamic: Muscle contraction with change in length of the muscle (uses full range of motion)


What is Mindful Eating? 

Being aware of positive opportunities for food

Using all senses in choosing food

Responding to food without judgment

Becoming aware of hunger and satisfaction cues


What are the eight dimensions of wellness? (Name at least 2)

physical, emotional/mental, social, intellectual, spiritual, environmental, occupational, and financial.


What are the differences between Physical activity, physical fitness, and exercise?

Physical activity is body movement that expels energy. Physical fitness is how well someone can perform a physical activity. Exercise is planned or structured physical activity


What are the steps in ALGEE (mental health crisis response)

Name at least 2

Assess Risk

Listen Non-judgmentally

Give information and encouragement

Encourage appropriate help

Encourage self-help


What is the Ecological Model (list from smallest to biggest)

Individual, Interpersonal, Organizational, Community, Public Policy


What are the 7 common issues for healthy eating (name at least 2)

1. Not listening to hunger cues

2. Quick meals and processed foods

3. Skipping breakfast

4. Snacking

5. Limited fruits and vegetables

6. Drinking too many calories

7. Hoping for quick fixes