What is my favorite color ?
what is my favorite item from my childhood
my blanky
how many highschools have i been to
what makes me go full autism
when there is to many things happening at once
whats my favorite flower
either daffodils , baby breath , tulips , roses
what is my favorite food
what color was my childhood room
What class have I retaken
algebra 2
what do i want to be when I grow up
a criminal psychologist
what is my favorite drink
if i could travel back to one place ive been, what would it be
what was my dogs name
how many different sports did I play
what time do i wake up every night
either 1 am , 3 am , or 4 am
what is my all time favorite movie
the notebook or benchwarmers
what am i allergic too
what was my neighbors name
what was the name of my old school
wilmington christian
what do i call my grandfather
what is my all time favorite song
the spins
where is my birthmark
my lower back
what famous person did i have photos of above my bed in elementary
jacob sartorius
how many proms have i been to
what is the one thing i do, without fail, when im nervous
play with my hair
who is my favorite person