When is Ace's birthday?
When is 8/14?
How many pets does Ace have right now?
4 pets
What is Ace's favorite color?
What is Sea Green? (half points for any blue)
What is Ace's favorite subject?
What is Art?
How many people has Ace dated?
Who was Ace's first cats?
Who is Cinnamon and Ginger?
What is 7th-8th grade?
(If you said 4th grade I will give you pity points)
What does Ace want to do for a career?
What is vet?
When was the worst grade for Ace?
When was 7th grade?
What the flip jacks is wrong with Ace? (MENTAL WISE)
What is depression, anxiety, schizophrenia?
If Ace does not become a Vet, what does he want to do otherwise?
What is make a cat cafe?
How long did Ace stay in a mental hospital for? (Bonus points if you know what grade)
How long is 2 days? When is 7th grade?
How many stuff animals does Ace have?
How many is 39?
What grade did Ace like the most?
What is Junior year, or Seinor year?
What bone did Ace break when he was little?
Right leg
Who is the FIRST pet Ace ever had?
Who is Gluppers, a carnival goldfish?
Why did Ace hate the changing gender rooms in gym for Morton East?
Due to friends, Ace was pulled down into the main office of 7th grade for what reason?
ummm his mom is really bad and was being really abusive and hurt his legs