November, November
Kitchen Substitutes
Borrowed from the Bible
Fun Travel
Name That Pair


November is one of four months with only 30 days. 


The other three are April, June and September. 


You've run out of kitchen cleanser, and your stainless pot needs scrubbing. Use this natural baking ingredient to get it clean. 

What is baking soda?

Make a paste with water and spread it on the pot. Let it sit for a while or overnight and then scrub. 


Pride goes before this. 

What is the fall?

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)


You can swim with these mammals if you take a trip to Hawaii. 

What are dolphins?

Dolphins are the friendliest and most social animals, and they enjoy contact with humans. 


These two characters make up television's The Odd Couple

Who are Felix and Oscar? 

The show is based on a play by Neil Simon, who originally did not want anything to do with a TV show but eventually became a big fan. 


Mickey Mouse celebrates his birthday on November 18. Who was his creator?

Walt Disney. 

Mickey was created in 1928. He first appeared in the short cartoon called Steamboat Willie that same year. 


This can be used as a substitute for sour cream.

What is Greek yogurt?

If you don't have Greek yogurt, you can strain regular yogurt to remove excess water. If you don't strain it, it's not a good substitute because regular yogurt is too thin. 


Finish the saying: 

"Spare the rod and..."

(3 words) 

"...spoil the child." 

"He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes." (Proverbs 13:24)


People used to go on road trips from Chicago to Los Angeles on this "Main Street of America." 

(HINT: There's also a song about this road.)

What is Route 66?

It's called "The Mother Road." Route 66 was formally removed from the United States Highway System on June 27, 1985 in favor of wider Interstate highways that can handle much more traffic. 


From the late '80s and into the '90s, Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen were basketball's star pair, playing for this team. 

Who are the Chicago Bulls? 

Although the pair are one of sport's most notable duos, they have reportedly feuded off and on ever since. 


What are the flower and birthstones for the month of November?

A. Morning Glory; sapphire and opal

B. Chrysanthemum; topaz and citrine

C. Daffodil; aquamarine and bloodstone

D. Viola; amethyst and garnet

B. Chrysanthemum; topaz and citrine


You can make buttermilk by adding a little of this ingredient to regular milk. 

What is vinegar or lemon juice? 

Add one tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice to a measuring cup and top off to one cup of milk. Let is sit for a few minutes, and you have buttermilk. 


"In the twinkling..." what?

"...of an eye."

"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1 Corinthians 15:52)


To see animals in the wild, you can't do better than to take this kind of trip while in Africa. 

(HINT: Some of the animals to see are elephants, lions, rhinos, cheetahs, and hippos.)

What is a safari?

When you go on a safari, the animals roam while humans are "captive". Visitors are driven through the reserves and get to see the animals in their natural habitat. 


Introduced in the '70s, Reese's Pieces are an iconic paring of peanut butter and chocolate that got a huge marketing boost from this alien movie. 

What is E.T the Extra-Terrestrial

In the movie, E.T. is lured into the house with Reese's Pieces candies, which generated many sales of the candy. 


This is November's annual shopping extravaganza. 

Extra points if you can tell what day of the month it is. 

What is Black Friday?

It historically falls the day after Thanksgiving. 


Combine these two ingredients to make a substitute for brown sugar. 

What are white sugar and molasses?

Keep adding a little molasses to white sugar and mix until you achieve the proper color for the recipe- golden or dark brown. 


Earn something by the sweat of this. 

What is your brow?

"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." (Genesis 3:19)


You should visit this city for the best Harry Potter tour. 

What is London?

Tour highlights include a visit to Warner Brothers London to tour the set, a walking tour, and a Muggles tour. 


This brother and sister duo make up the Osmonds. 

Who are Donny and Marie?

Born and raised in Utah, the pair have been musical icons and television hosts among other talents. 


November 11 is Remembrance Day in Canada and this day in the United States. 

What is Veterans Day?

Remembrance Day, also called Poppy Day, commemorates those who lost their lives while serving Canada. 

Both Veterans Day and Remembrance Day were once called Armistice Day. 


If you run out of vegetable oil for baking, add this. 

What is applesauce or fruit puree?

For this substitute, add half the amount of oil the recipe calls for. 


Finish this saying: 

"Eat, drink, and be merry, for..."

(four words)

"...tomorrow we will die"

"...and to be merry: for that shall abide with him of his labour the days of his life, which God giveth him under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 8:15)


This is the most popular and famous wine-tasting area in California. 

What is Napa Valley? To see the vineyards from the air, take a ride in a hot-air balloon. 


This Vermont-based ice cream duo opened their first scoop shop in 1978. 

Who are Ben and Jerry? 

The shop opened in a converted gas station and has since grown into a worldwide company.