Joseph Presley discovered this gaseous element in 1774.
Answer: What is oxygen? Before the discovery, it was referred to as air. There are two International Historic Chemical Landmarks dedicated in his honor, one in Pennsylvania and another in England.
How long is a U.S. senator’s term?
Six years. To become a senator, a person must be at least 30 years of age, have been a U.S. citizen for nine years, and must be a current resident of the state they are representing
This event when Earth goes between the sun and the moon is called
A lunar eclipse. When the moon passes between Earth and the sun, it is called a solar eclipse.
region of land that receives, on average, less than 20 inches of rain per year is called
A desert. Desert biomes are broken down into four main types: hot and dry, semiarid, coastal, and cold
the term used for a baby frog or toad
Tadpole or polliwog. The tadpole stage of an amphibian’s life cycle can be as short as two weeks or as long as three years, depending on the species.
song includes this line in the lyrics: “Don’t go walking down lovers’ lane with anyone else but me”?
“Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree (With Anyone Else but Me).” The song debuted in the 1939 Broadway musical Yokel Boy but was later made famous by Glenn Miller and the Andrews Sisters during World War II.
Lederhosen come from what country: France, Germany, or England?
Answer: Germany. Lederhosen were originally made of leather for German and Austrian peasants living in the Alps to wear when working
the yellow portion of an egg
The yolk. The yolk is the part of the egg that provides nutrition to the bird embryo
How many original colonies rose to defeat the British and become the United States
Thirteen. The 13 original colonies were New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
Who painted The Scream and The Dance of Life
Edvard Munch. The Norwegian painter was known for creating works that expressed deep mental anguish and psychological distress. His most famous work, The Scream, sold for more than $119 million in 2012.
name of the body system where blood flows: the endocrine system, the excretory system, or the circulatory system?
The circulatory system. The circulatory system includes the blood, blood vessels, and the heart.
actress starred in the movies Meet Me in St. Louis, Easter Parade, and The Wizard of Oz?
Judy Garland. Garland was the daughter of vaudeville professionals; she began performing on stage at the age of two and a half.
In the famous book by Dr. Seuss, who stole Christmas
The Grinch. Thankfully, the Grinch had a change of heart and returned all the presents, food, and decorations that same day. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! was first published in 1957, and several movie adaptations have been made.
Which is denser, a fog or a mist
Fog. Water droplets create both, but fog is denser than mist and tends to last longer. Fog reduces visibility to less than 0.6 miles, while mist generally reduces visibility to between 0.6 and 1.2 miles
How many boroughs are in New York City
How many boroughs are in New York City
The aloe plant is useful for treating what kind of injury
A burn. Typically, aloe is used to heal sunburns, but there is some evidence that it can also help improve digestion, promote oral health, and clear up acne
Beginning in the 1950s, Tony the Tiger helped advertise what “gr-r-reat” cereal
Frosted Flakes. In 1952, the company asked the public to vote for a new mascot, and that’s how Tony the Tiger got his job. The other three characters were named Katy the Kangaroo, Elmo the Elephant, and Newt the Gnu
This religion is celebrated by the majority of Australia’s population
Christianity. The two major Christian denominations in Australia are Anglican and Catholic.
the colors of the Canadian flag
Red and white. During the Crusades, red and white alternated as the national colors of France and England. Canada has a long history with both countries, and the colors are said to honor that history.
the Greek word eureka mean
“I have found it.” Eureka! has been the official state motto of California since 1963. The Greek mathematician Archimedes is said to have exclaimed “Eureka!” when he finally discovered a method for determining the purity of gold.
game has a large plastic mat with colorful dots and a spinner and makes the players contort their bodies around one another?
Twister. Originally called Pretzel, the game was created to promote shoe polish sales
The Sinai Peninsula in Egypt spans what two continents
Africa and Asia. The Sinai Peninsula sits with the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Red Sea to the south.
famous television detective from the show Dragnet said, “This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I’m a cop”?
Joe Friday. This line is used in the introduction sequence of Dragnet (1951–1959). Joe Friday is played by the actor Jack Webb.
Nicolaus Copernicus believed our planet was in a heliocentric solar system. What is at the center of a heliocentric solar system
The sun. Many astronomers believed Earth was at the center of the solar system at that time, so this theory was considered to be quite radical
In Roman numerals, what number does the capital letter V represent?
Five. The seven basic symbols used are I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. It is believed Roman numerals were first used around 800 or 900 BC.