Hibernation Facts
What is hibernation?
A deep winter sleep
Where do groundhogs live?
Underground burrows
Why do animals eat a lot before hibernating?
To store fat
I sleep all winter in a cave. Who am I?
What season do animals hibernate in?
Where do bears hibernate?
Caves or dens
Do animals wake up to eat during hibernation?
I fly south when it gets cold. Who am I?
Why do animals hibernate?
To save energy
Where do frogs hibernate?
Under mud or water
What is migration?
Travel to warmer places
I hibernate under mud in ponds. Who am I?
How long do animals hibernate?
Weeks or months
Where do bats hibernate?
Caves or trees
Name an animal that migrates?
Birds, butterflies, henry the goose lol
I live in burrow and predict spring. Who am I?
Name two body parts that slow down during hibernation?
Heart and lungs
What is a squirrel's home called?
A drey
How do animals stay warm in winter?
Thick fur or fat
I hang upside down in caves to sleep. Who am I?