"I’m not sure anyone gets to choose what kind of man they’re gonna be"
"It was supposed to be a peaceful expedition."
"I know how it feels to be beaten. To feel like nothing. That’s why you have to stay angry and keep..... Your anger is all you have."
"You know how a civilisation’s built, son? Bad men. Bad men..., clearing the way for the others to follow."
doing bad things
"It's......., not yours. Don't trust them."
their war
"Walk softly. Stay here. Protect yourself. You can’t follow your uncle’s path."
"I speak some of your language so I can translate for you."
"It’s the responsibility of those who make history to..."
record it
"Put the ........ away."
bloody thing
"It’s our land. We should......."
"The truth’s a funny thing. Once it’s out, it’s out. And questions come with it."
"Too wild that one"
"Travis has no sense of duty, no sense of..."
"You're a mission boy...."
pretending to be a man
"I didn't come here to..."
"Then you give us our justice for the men who killed my family."
"They crossed a line"
"They’re calling them the wild mob. They’re from all over the place, brought together by one man – Baywara. Bunch of myalls,......."
"You want us to respect your law? Give us....."
our justice
"Consistent. It makes us one. Baywara is his son, his to judge, not yours. Makarrata. Restore......."
"He needs to learn his place."
Gutjuk's mother
"Don’t tell me it doesn’t haunt you. That you don’t want it off your back."
"See this crown on the badge? That represents the king. The King of the British Empire. And that is the law that I am..."
duty bound to uphold
"I am the snake. Baywara. I...................."
strike like lightning
"It started a few months back. A bunch of black bastards............."
wreaking havoc