What is Tashlich?
the custom that happens on the first day of Rosh Hashana, (except a Shabbat), where you walk to a body of flowing water, say a special prayer, and symbolically empty our pockets/throw something into the river, casting off our sins.
What is the first major prayer of Yom Kippur called ?
Kol Nidre
How many day do we celebrate Sukkot ?
This is the final Shofar blast
Tekiyah Gedolah
What do we celebrate on Simchat Torah ?
The completion of the reading of the Torah
The period between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur is called in Hebrew "Aseret Ymay Tshuva". How many days does this repentance period last
How many hours is the Yom Kippur fast ?
In how many different directions do we shake the lulav and etrog ?
How many times is the shofar blown of Yom Kippur?
Who gets called to the Torah reading on Simchat Torah ?
Every person in the congregation
What shape of Challah (traditional Jewish bread) do we eat at the Rosh Hashana table ?
What is the final prayer of Yom Kippur called?
How many walls must a Sukkah have ?
What are שלושת הרגלים?
Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot
On Simchat Torah we circle the synagogue with what item?
The Torah
What does the moon look like at the start of a new Jewish month?
A thin Crescent moon.
What 3 things can you not wear?
Leather, Jewelry, Creams/Oils.
Which citrus fruit do we hold and bless with during Sukkot ?
In history, how long did it take the Jewish people to finish the Torah?
In Israel, 1 year.
In Babylon, 3 years.
When does Shmini Atzeret start? On what day?
The 8th day of Sukkot.
How many times is the shofar sounded during each day of Rosh Hashana ?
What is the prayer that starts the beginning of Yom Kippur?
Avinu Malkeinu
What book of the Torah is Sukkot spoken about in, the reason for the Holiday?
ויקרא Leviticus
What is the name of the nine short fast blasts we sound with the shofar ?
Which two books of the Torah do we read on Simchat Torah?
Devarim (Deuteronomy) and Beresheit (Genesis)