Preterm Labor
Peripartum Hemorrhage
Cord Prolapse
Shoulder Dystocia
Which of the following is not a known risk factor for preterm labor? A) Anemia B) Substance abuse C) Interpregnancy interval less than 18 months D) Diabetes
D) Diabetes is not considered a known risk factor for preterm labor
The most common cause of maternal intrapartum death is A. Preterm labor B. Hemorrhage C. Embolism D. Hypertension
B. Hemorrhage
State True or False The patellar is usually the first DTR to become hyperreactive in preeclampsia.
AROM at which of the following stations is the highest risk for cord prolapse? A. +1 station B. 0 station C. -3 station D. -1 station
C. -3 station
State True or False. Fundal pressure is necessary during a shoulder dystocia emergency.
The most significant risk factor associated with preterm labor is A. Previous preterm labor B. Substance abuse C. Early trimester bleeding D. Placental hypoperfusion
A. Previous preterm labor
Pitocin can be administered A. IV push over 60 seconds B. Orally with meals C. Sublingually D. As a titrated infusion
D. As a titrated infusion (also can be given IM)
Post-ictal signs and symptoms following an eclamptic seizure might include A. Disorientation B. Deep sleep C. Myalgia D. All of the above
D. All of the above
Manual support of the presenting part can be discontinued when A. The present part is lifted off the fingers during the cesarean delivery B. The patient is moved to the OR table C. General anesthesia is initiated D. The cesarean skin incision is made
A. The present part is lifted off the fingers during the cesarean delivery
State True or False . The McRobert’s maneuver should be the first nursing response to shoulder dystocia.
Procardia can cause A. Maternal flushing B. Constriction of the fetal ductus arteriosis C. Oligohydramnios D. Tachydysrhythmias
A. Maternal flushing
The classic differentiating symptoms between placenta previa and placenta abruptio is A. Vaginal bleeding B. Abdominal pain C. Uterine contractions D. Uterine tone
B. Abdominal pain
Thrombocytopenia, increased LFTs, and decreased Hct during pregnancy may indicate A. Essential hypertension B. HELLP syndrome C. Eclampsia D. Preeclampsia
B. HELLP syndrome
The most common FHR pattern associated with a cord prolapse is A. Tachycardia to variable decelerations B. Late deceleration to profound bradycardia C. Early deceleration to deep variables D. Variable decelerations to profound bradycardia
D. Variable decelerations to profound bradycardia
A shoulder dystocia complication becomes evident A. When the patient crowns B. With upward traction on the fetal head C. At the beginning of second stage D. With downward traction on the fetal head
D. With downward traction on the fetal head
Digital exams should be avoided in the PTL patient because cervical manipulation causes release of A. Oxytocin B. Prostaglandins C. Progesterone D. Corticosteroids
B. Prostaglandins
Which intervention is NOT appropriate in a patient who presents @ 34 weeks with vaginal bleeding? A. Digital vaginal exam B. Sterile speculum exam C. Real-time U/S D. Visual exam
A. Digital vaginal exam
The best delivery route for the preeclamptic patient is A. Vaginal with forceps and local anesthesia B. Cesarean with general anesthesia C. Determined by maternal and fetal condition D. Vaginal with epidural anesthesia
C. Determined by maternal and fetal condition
The bed position most helpful in a cord prolapse emergency is A. Semi-Fowler’s B. Deep Trendelenburg C. High Fowler’s D. Flat with bed raised as high as possible.
B. Deep Trendelenburg
The most significant intrapartum factors associated with the development of shoulder dystocia are A. Prolonged first stage labor and early SROM B. Postterm pregnancy and labor induction C. Prolonged second stage labor and slow descent D. Fetal macrosomia and prolonged second stage
D. Fetal macrosomia and prolonged second stage
Which of the following statements about corticosteroids NOT correct? A. Betamethasone is given every 12 hours ×4 doses. B. Steroids are given to the mother in preterm labor to stimulate fetal maturation C. Steroids stimulate type 2 pneumocytes to produce surfactant D. Maternal steroids are administered between 24 and 36/6 weeks.
A. Betamethasone is given every 12 hours ×4 doses. (It is actually given every 24 hours x 2 doses.)
The least desirable medical intervention for uncontrolled PPH is A. Hysterectomy B. Uterine artery ligation C. Uterine compression balloon D. Hypogastric ligation
A. Hysterectomy
The most reliable signs of impending seizure activity include A. Headache and visual changes B. Hypertension and tachycardia C. Epigastric and RUQ pain D. Peripheral edema
A. Headache and visual changes
The condition of the baby following a cord prolapse emergency depends upon the A. Intensity of cord obstruction B. Response of the caregivers C. The duration of the cord obstruction D. All of the above
D. All of the above
The most significant risk factor for shoulder dystocia is A. Maternal age B. Parity C. Length of second stage D. Pregnancy weight gain
C. Length of second stage